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  1. It is a thriving business AT THE MOMENT!!! Don't forget most weddings have been booked 1-2 years in advance so the wedding market is not seeing the downturn just yet! 2010 will be the telling year! Sorry can't help with Chateaux in Entre deux Mers but can in the Dordogne!
  2. I would agree - you need to give people plenty of time to make their travel arrangements - I have weddings booked right up until October and they have all sent out their invitations already. Lucinda
  3. We bought ours from Darty - all stores carry stock.  
  4. Similar here - although I think it is Horse Chestnut and not Sweet Chestnut trees that are affected. We have a 300 year old Horse Chestnut tree in front of our house that has been affected by this canker.  I am waiting until next spring to make the decision to fell it. I don't want to but it is beginning to look inevitable - other trees in our village are in the same condition.
  5. I use Cider Vinegar which is actually much nearer to Malt Vinegar when pickling. My onions keep crisp for years - agreed it is the brining that is essentail. You can buy pickling onions here in the Dordogne but I think it may be a bit late in the season now - I usually buy then in August/September time.
  6. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from us here in the Dordogne too. Lucinda
  7. Hi Ernie Y, Here is the answer from the station "To answer your question, it really depends on what software you use to record the stream, Most ripping software actually uses an additional listener slot to do the recording. Since we currently have 25 slots, you can see that this would quickly use all the slots if everyone did it. Having said that, let me qualify my objections to this activity. If someone is actually listens to rewind45 and decides that they might like to record a show or record an hour or so to listen at another time, I have no objection to this, in fact quite the opposite. There are however a large army of people that hunt for a station that plays their kind of music and set the stream ripping software running without actually listening. Some of this software is quite clever and just records the songs into separate mp3 files. So someone can connect, leave the software running for 24 hours and end up with a folder full of songs with no station idents etc. This is what I object to because these people are using listener slots that others might want and I am paying royalties for them to do it. So, I do a couple of things to discourage them, one is that I have software which messes with the song titles. Their software will try to create separate mp3' files for each song. So, if I change the title half way through a song, they have half a song. I also automatically ban the IP address of know stream rippers. I will also montitor activity on the stream, if someone has been connected over 8 hours, I will kick them. If they reconnect almost instantaneously then it's a good indication that that they might be using ripping software that automatically reconnects, then they get a ban for 30 mins or so. That usually discourages them. That's probably more information than you wanted but if you need any more info, just ask." It's all a bit technical isn't it? [:D] Lucinda 
  8. [quote user="powerdesal"]It may well be OK but on my laptop its very tinny and I dont have a good set of speakers to plug in. [/quote] Ahhh - just a cheap pair of speakers will help out! [;-)]  Lucinda
  9. Hi Ernie Y, I've dropped an email to the station to find out what the warning etc. is about. I'll let you know when I get a reply. Tune in today - there are some great programmes on! Lucinda  
  10. Do you listen to the radio while you're on line? I never used to but I discovered Rewind45 and now I'm hooked http://www.rewind45.com/ If you like music from the 60's 70's and 80's along with presenters like Emperor Rosko and Pandora (Radio Caroline presenter) you'll love it. Have a listen and let me know what you think. Lucinda  
  11. [quote user="newbiee"]   My mother's brother had a humanist wedding about 12 years ago ... it was the  nicest wedding ceremony I've ever seen (apart from my own of course!)  I think it's lovely when those getting married write their own vows and promises, rather than just following what others have said before them just for the sake of it.     [/quote] Hi Newbiee, I know several lay clergy who will do the ceremony for you. I work very closely with a wedding planner and nearly all the couples have a civil ceremony in their home country (usually UK) and then come out here to have their wedding - they all use the people I know to effectively bless the marriage and the couples write their own vows and what they want to say to each other - I guess that is a humanist ceremony? Anyway, if you'd like me to put you in touch with someone then just me know and I'll pass over the details. Just out of interest where are you in France? I ask because if you're not in Aquitaine then the lady I put you in touch with will probably refer you on to one of her colleagues. Hear from you Lucinda  
  12. Hi Geoff, No, not an advert - merely an event that is on. Anyone can come along and listen to the music or have a dance!!
  13. Friday 23rd May 2008 Restaurant de la Digue 24610 Lac de Gurçon Tel: A 3 course meal with 1/4 wine included. During your meal you'll be able to listen to some music rarities from the 60's followed by some of the more familiar tunes to dance the night away. The restaurant is situated on the edge of the Lac de Gurçon close to Villefranche de Lonchat. You can either dine on the terrace overlooking the lac or, if the weather is less than perfect, inside in the well appointed dining room.
  14. FRIDAY 9th MAY 2008 Soiree de Music - Disco Fever Restaurant de la Digue, 24610 Carsac de Gurcon The evening consists of a 3 course meal including 1/4 wine per person followed by a Seventies Disco!! 30 euros per head. From 7pm by reservation only. Phone Tracey on The restaurant is located on the Lac de Gurcon close to Villefranche de Lonchat. If the weather is fine you can enjoy your meal and boogie on the terrace overlooking the lac - if wet then inside the restaurant. Should be a good night! Come along and enjoy. If you don't want to eat then you can come along later for drinks and a dance!
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