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Complete France Forum

Does anyone know how long this forum has been running?


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3 hours ago, Le Petomane said:

Anyone remember chris pp? He was the forum's David Attenborough. If something bizarre with six legs appeared in your home he could identify it.

Yes, or crispy pea (in my head). He was the wildlife expert, and Christine Animal was the animal welfare queen.  I remember Chris Head and his amazing chainsaw totem poles. And Teapot, and Bugbear, and 5element and Catalpa and Tresco were all favourites of mine.  It would be wonderful to hear how they are all doing now, unless they are back, but posting under different names?

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On 25/03/2024 at 07:29, DaveLister said:

CooperLola. I was thinking about her only yesterday. The way she took the lead during the CPAM crisis. I know there were other groups involved but what she and other members of this forum did was amazing and instrumental in changing the UK government's position. If it hadn't been for them I wouldn't still be in France.

I helped Coops a bit with that, contacting ministers and journalists, and also with the dreaded tax FAQs for the forum. Sadly I never got to meet her in person, although I know that some forum members did meet her, on the itchy feet tour.

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betise, how you have brought back memories!  Yes, 5 element and Catalpa and the others you have mentioned.

And how could we not have mentioned Claire?  Then there were the other French folk:  Frenchie and ericd some while later.

Are there any French people left on the forum?  They were so patient with my efforts to learn French and always so ready to correct errors without making you feel a dunce!

betise, besides you, wasn't there someone else called maybe Emily who helped Coops with all that health stuff?

Then powerdesel with that wonderful swagger of his....ha! ha!

You always knew who to ask about specific things, eg Sunday Driver about anything to do with driving in France.

Those were truly the days......

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Oh yes, of course Claire, who I did meet in person, IRL as people like to say now, before we "met" each other again on the forum.  Although it did take me a while to realise that they were one and the same person. She had the patience of a saint.

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4 hours ago, Le Petomane said:

Anyone remember chris pp? He was the forum's David Attenborough. If something bizarre with six legs appeared in your home he could identify it.

Was it chris pp who had a lot of run ins with his local hunters?

Lovely to hear from AnOther/Ernie.   Glad you're OK.    We had some fun on the satellite section I seem to remember,   you with your fleet of Sky boxes!

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Just now, menthe said:

Lucky you!  I'd have given anything to have met Claire IRL but I did meet Coops and I spoke on the phone with a couple of others.


Gosh yes,   Claire,   she was such a brilliant mod,    but whose patience (which appeared to be inexhaustible) suddenly gave out I seem to remember.      I think it was her that we nearly once went to see - she was en route from us to one of the TV transmitters in the Auvergne that I periodically made a pilgrimage to see.     But sadly she was away the one time we might have managed it.

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6 hours ago, menthe said:

I am sure Mrs A's cooking (from memory of the scrumptious treats you posted photos of) easily surpasses any of those restos'


One of the results of selling the MGB is that I've assumed the title chief chef and have become a dab hand with the air fryer. I haven't poisoned anyone yet!

I've lately been making pork pies and scotch eggs.





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That pie photo makes my mouth water! 
  Today I worked through the whole thread and was pleased to read about many former members. I remember lots of them and recall how helpful they were over the years. In 2001, when I joined , the forum was clearly well established and the membership included several of the names mentioned in this thread.

 There has even been a link to our latest car which we bought last year. Our Yeti is a great runaround and even goes well on longer trips. The first thing I did was to fit a spare wheel. I also joined the owners forum.

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AnOther, I wish TeamedUp (or idun) could be here to look at your photos.  I reckon you two could be the first forum members to star in Forum MasterChef.

Or maybe Forum BakeOff?

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It looks like my last communication with Idun was at the end of 2021.  I'll try to send her a long overdue email today.

I hope she and her family are okay.

I remember Possumgirl.  I wonder how she is doing.

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5 hours ago, Lori said:

I remember Possumgirl.  I wonder how she is doing.

Didn't she go off in a bit of a huff about one of the France magazines publishing something she posted here, without her permission?  I think she started her own forum.  She last posted here in 2007.

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That sounds vaguely familiar Betise.  I didn't know she created her own forum.  She was one of the few (at least that I knew) Americans that posted on the forum.

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47 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

Good reminder to all of us.

Always read the t&c's.

I think I probably know them by heart, unless they've changed recently. I didn't mention the other forum.  But maybe you're referencing the right of Archant to make whatever use they see fit of anything that is  is posted on the forum?

Out of interest where ARE the t & cs now, can't find 'em.

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1 hour ago, betise said:

I think I probably know them by heart, unless they've changed recently. I didn't mention the other forum.  But maybe you're referencing the right of Archant to make whatever use they see fit of anything that is  is posted on the forum?

Out of interest where ARE the t & cs now, can't find 'em.

It was Archant's rights I was referring to Betise. No criticism of you at all. I'll have to get back to you as to where the t&c's are now located ( I'm travelling so don't have my normal access ). I know it's tricky to find them once you've created an account which is why I copied them into a PDF when I became a mod.

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1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

Anyone remember Christine Animal; she slipped me a dog from her refuge in the Niort Station car park many years ago. Dog lasted until 17.

Yes, I mentioned her in an earlier post here, she was the animal welfare expert, but hasn't posted here in over 10 years. I wonder what happened to her?

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