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Tone and Content of Posts ๐Ÿ˜ก


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Some folk are finding the tone and content of some posts which can be sharp personal attacks to be incompatible with this Forum and I agree. So, could some of you please tone it down, concentrate on relevant content and not take bites out of each other.

Otherwise I will set my fellow mod on you and his bite is really memorable!

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  • anotherbanana changed the title to Tone and Content of Posts ๐Ÿ˜ก

Now here's a thought: There are sections for most topics, most of them not frequented often! It would seem there are some who find it distasteful when an argument becomes a little personal, though why they then read it and often add their own comments is beyond me! Why not have a section for 'argument' instead of trying to impose censorship? Then the people can avoid it!

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58 minutes ago, Ken said:

Now here's a thought: There are sections for most topics, most of them not frequented often! It would seem there are some who find it distasteful when an argument becomes a little personal, though why they then read it and often add their own snide comments is beyond me! Why not have a section for 'argument' instead of trying to impose censorship? Then the 'sensitive' people can avoid it!

Surely it's much easier for everyone to simply show some respect when they reply to an individual's post.

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Mod hats on.

OK guys and gals here's how it's going to be.

I too am sick and tired of intelligent debate on this forum descending into a bar room brawl. There are a small group who seem unable to exercise self discipline or only get their kicks by winding up others.ย  My fellow moderator had asked nicely but now I'm bringing out the big stick. As of today such comments will result in the post being edited or even removed. Persistent offenders will end up having their posts pre-moderated.

Make your points politely or go elsewhere.

Mods hat off.




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2 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Mod hats on.

OK guys and gals here's how it's going to be.

I too am sick and tired of intelligent debate on this forum descending into a bar room brawl. There are a small group who seem unable to exercise self discipline or only get their kicks by winding up others.ย  My fellow moderator had asked nicely but now I'm bringing out the big stick. As of today such comments will result in the post being edited or even removed. Persistent offenders will end up having their posts pre-moderated.

Make your points politely or go elsewhere.

Mods hat off.




O.k; so trying to keep it intelligent and moderate not to mention polite. The arbiter , obviously you, gets to decide what is intelligent debate or not. If you don't like it then it will be censored. Perhaps you could clarify just what you don't like? Perhaps it's controversy, a view contrary to yours or someone else's? Upholding someones complaint perhaps; any number of things but the bottom line is you are going to censor posts that you don't agree with, that you don't consider to be 'intelligent' debate. ย Ever read 1984 by George Orwell by any chance?

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7 minutes ago, Ken said:

O.k; so trying to keep it intelligent and moderate not to mention polite. The arbiter , obviously you, gets to decide what is intelligent debate or not. If you don't like it then it will be censored. Perhaps you could clarify just what you don't like? Perhaps it's controversy, a view contrary to yours or someone else's? Upholding someones complaint perhaps; any number of things but the bottom line is you are going to censor posts that you don't agree with, that you don't consider to be 'intelligent' debate. ย Ever read 1984 by George Orwell by any chance?

I suggest you reread every post on this thread not made by yourself. It'll answer your questions.

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If I understand the moderator's point correctly, he is referring to posts (or posters) that/who are unnecessarily argumentative on a regular basis.ย  I stand to be corrected if I have misunderstood his point.

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Actually no, it's not what you say so much as how you say it. It's about treating other posters with respect. I tend to look at posts with the view " what would a first time poster think of that comment ".ย  People can be contrary for contrary's sake if that's what turns them on but to denigrate other posters is not cool. The first comment following Anotherbanana's post accused forum members of making snide comments and of being 'sensitive'. In fact it was a perfect example of what he had been referring to.

I'm sure Mr Banana's polite request will be taken to heart and we can all go back to being our happy go lucky selves ๐Ÿ˜€

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I agree with DL about "treating others with respect".ย  I for one would not go so far as respect, just common politeness would do.

Personal attacks are out of order.ย  Keep it general if you do have something controversial to say. I am sure that if we were sitting in a room facing each other, we would not make the comments or use some of the language on some threads

Disagree by all means, disagree strongly if you feel strongly about something but it should not be beyond the wits of reasonable adults to do so without name-calling or belittling someone else.

That is not only NOT clever, but shows a character lacking in balance and consideration of others.


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7 hours ago, Ken said:

Why not have a section for 'argument' instead of trying to impose censorship? Then the people can avoid it!

I tend to agree that that would be a solution.ย  However, getting back to reality, this forum is owned and operated by a commercial company, France Media Group. They are in the business of selling a service and products to the public who also have access to this forum, and I doubt it would be conducive to their company policy to be condoning a section of that calibre.ย 

Since a poster posted links to other immigrant to France forums, I have occasionally viewed them (yawn).ย  I assume they are independently run forums and judging by some posters comments suspect they are only mildly moderated, and it is up to their owners how their sites are operated.

I hold my hand up to shoving one up some posters here, which the mods are at liberty to delete. Furthermore, I do however believe my comments have been justified on those occasions.

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2 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Actually no, it's not what you say so much as how you say it. It's about treating other posters with respect. I tend to look at posts with the view " what would a first time poster think of that comment ".ย  People can be contrary for contrary's sake if that's what turns them on but to denigrate other posters is not cool. The first comment following Anotherbanana's post accused forum members of making snide comments and of being 'sensitive'. In fact it was a perfect example of what he had been referring to.

I'm sure Mr Banana's polite request will be taken to heart and we can all go back to being our happy go lucky selves ๐Ÿ˜€

So, keeping an intelligent conversation going: You are referring to me, are you not? ย Are you saying, or suggesting that in the past there have never been snide remarks directed at me because ย the person I have been 'arguing' with hasn't liked what I have said and the only recourse has been a snide remark. You suggest that I read 'every post' but you are being quite selective. May I ask you to read every post and perhaps you would see some 'snide' remarks and understand why I would make such an accusation. Even, Mr. Lister you have contributed in a mild way to the same thing, look back at posts and check, you have agreed with certain posters who have made 'innocent' but attempted demeaning remarks to things I have posted.ย 

As for the 'sensitive' remark, of course it is pointed. Time and again once a discussion has started, and invariably degenerated because of a dislike to the argument the 'sensitive' poster cries foul!!! It's all very well being respectful and considerate and I would much prefer it stayed that way but some here have a habit of making , yes, snide remarks and, I might add supported by others because of a dislike for what has been said. At least I can say that is not my style at all. I will always be direct and consider anyone who attempts to denigrate me or anyone else with remarks that they then claim are 'innocent' to be quite contemptible.ย 

I thoroughly enjoy debate and have never instigated a discussion that warranted a 'snide' or insulting response. I have posted controversial posts on various subjects knowing that the response would be 'hostile' some respond very well with a counter argument but some simply make an 'observation'. usually insulting. I always respond to anyone, insulting or otherwise. The difference being I don't insult unless attacked in the first instance.

Hopefully those whom I do know are guilty of such behaviour will take note of your comments.ย 


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12 minutes ago, Ken said:

So, keeping an intelligent conversation going: You are referring to me, are you not? ย Are you saying, or suggesting that in the past there have never been snide remarks directed at me because ย the person I have been 'arguing' with hasn't liked what I have said and the only recourse has been a snide remark. You suggest that I read 'every post' but you are being quite selective. May I ask you to read every post and perhaps you would see some 'snide' remarks and understand why I would make such an accusation. Even, Mr. Lister you have contributed in a mild way to the same thing, look back at posts and check, you have agreed with certain posters who have made 'innocent' but attempted demeaning remarks to things I have posted.ย 

As for the 'sensitive' remark, of course it is pointed. Time and again once a discussion has started, and invariably degenerated because of a dislike to the argument the 'sensitive' poster cries foul!!! It's all very well being respectful and considerate and I would much prefer it stayed that way but some here have a habit of making , yes, snide remarks and, I might add supported by others because of a dislike for what has been said. At least I can say that is not my style at all. I will always be direct and consider anyone who attempts to denigrate me or anyone else with remarks that they then claim are 'innocent' to be quite contemptible.ย 

I thoroughly enjoy debate and have never instigated a discussion that warranted a 'snide' or insulting response. I have posted controversial posts on various subjects knowing that the response would be 'hostile' some respond very well with a counter argument but some simply make an 'observation'. usually insulting. I always respond to anyone, insulting or otherwise. The difference being I don't insult unless attacked in the first instance.

Hopefully those whom I do know are guilty of such behaviour will take note of your comments.ย 

Now that you've got that off your chest, perhaps we can all move on.

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8 hours ago, Ken said:

ย Why not have a section for 'argument' instead of trying to impose censorship? Then the people can avoid it!

Iโ€™m on Ken (sorry with Ken) on this one.

We all like a good old debate.

I bet the โ€˜argumentโ€™ section would be the most frequented part of the forum.

Bread machines donโ€™t turn me on. Personally.

You still have to cleam them.

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So Ken, I like many of the more mature members of this forum tend to ignore most of the detritus but don't plead the victim - I recall a quite unnecessary post from you when Guardian ventured forth some weeks ago; why did you do it, maybe you've got nothing better to do! We used to have useful discussions and help each other as well as be criticised in a constructive way; just take a look at the past years ( before you came on the scene). Many of the previous posters have given up - more's the pity.ย 

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