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Complete France Forum

Another 'booster'dose of Vaccine is now available for those over 60


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Hello to everyone. I hope that this makes it onto the forum - I mostly can’t seem to post in this new format. 

It’s good to read that some old friends on here are soon to have their second boosters; my husband and I had ours a couple of weeks ago, Pfizer, and had just the usual sore arms afterwards. So pleased that we’ve had our boosters - still free from Covid, although our family locally had it mildly before Christmas, with our 7 year old grandgirl having it again in February.


Edited by Gardengirl
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Good to see you GG.  Glad you've had your 2nd booster and no serious side effects. 

I too can't figure out how to 'create' a new post.  I have no issue replying to an existing post.  Tried several things to create a new topic, no love.



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Went for mine in the U.K. a couple of weeks ago. But, alas, as I had just recently had Covid I was told I had to leave 28 days between being clear of that and having the booster. So I’ll try again then.

good to see you back, GG.

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