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Whatever your opinion on the plans for 1400 giant wind turbines to be built across ALPC, (Aquitaine, Limousin, Poitou Charentes ), make your views known by completing this simple 2 min survey:. Open to all residents and tourists.


AND for more information visit and join at

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What an odd "survey". The OP says "whatever your opinion", but the questions are so biased, that it is clear that only one opinion will do. "If wind turbines are built near your home, will you a) sell up and move, b) put up with it"

"what made you move to this region..a) the beautiful, unspoilt countryside b) work......(I can't remember the other options)

If you're going to do a survey that offers people the option to answer "whatever their views" then don't skew the answers to the point where only YOUR viewpoint is represented by the answers.

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As a general rule I don't mind eoliens.

I HATE those huge above ground power lines though. And there never seems to be enough said about those monstrosities.

It is hardly as if France or the UK is land bound and I do wonder what sea power could offer in the way of energy as long as it would not affect 'sea life' too much.

And no I won't be doing the survey.

ps  would have thought that the farmers in the Limousin would have been happy with extra income from these, judging by the state of french farming at the moment. And the Limousin is considered and this is from Wiki:

Le Limousin reste une région relativement pauvre

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If I moved to rural France I would put one in my garden and generate all my electricity. I luv em.

I can't tolerate all these Brit idiots that move to France and then complain. As pointed out, Limousin is not the richest area of France. That is why the houses are cheap. Davey is not complaining about the cheap houses in his survey. I am guessing that the less well off people living in the proximity of the wind turbines are happy to receive a reduced tariff in their electricity.

If you don't like wind turbines move to Paris.
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As far as I'm concerned the only people who benefit from the dammed things are the owners with the subsidies they get! They are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

They can't be relied on. No wind and the only thing they produce is that subsidy.

One fact is that 'when' they are operating the tips of those blades are travelling at about 200 MPH and that is why they are killers as far as birds and bats are concerned.

Green? About as green as nothing. The huge concrete blocks they sit on produce gawd knows how much green house gasses to produce. Then there are the sites themselves. Normally on virgin hill tops with roads cut through the country side to access them. More often than not they are put too close together and that effects the efficiency a lot and that is only about 30/35% at best anyway.

When they catch fire because the gearboxes are not up to any warranty they are given the fire services just have to leave them to burn out and fall. In icing conditions they are known to throw large block of ice 1/4 mile or more.

Do I like them? No!

A little bit of light reading 

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Since we bought our house we have had a wind park erected on the other side of the valley.

It has not spoiled my enjoyment of the area. It has not perceptibly reduced the notional value of my property (my house has no value until I decide to sell it IMO). There are not piles of bat or bird corpses at the base where they have flown into the blades.

I find it strange that a windmill in Holland is considered a delight and one in France is an eyesore.

I too will not be taking part in the survey.
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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Whether anyone takes part in it or not, a five year old could put together a better set of questions.[/quote]

This poll is a classic case of why all polls should be banned. After all it's not rocket science, ask the right people the right questions and you will get the answer you want. What the general public really think is not important to those trying to manipulate public opinion.

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I didnt even have to look at the Survey to know that the OP had a bias, anyone that writes something like "make your views known by completing this simple 2 min Survey" just provokes the "shan't" reaction from me, I have always been like that which is why I am only now just watching the umpteenth repeat of "you must see" films from the 70's and 80's and seeing them for the first time ever.


Jonzjob (I think it was you) for an aéolien  to throw a large chunk of ice one quarter of a mile it would have to be very very high and rotating at such a velocity that the imbalance destroy its mounting column, I think it may be an exaggeration or an urban legend but am happy to be corrected.


There are loads around me, the flat open countryside is ideal, once the construction crews have left the base de vie you would not know anyone had been there, all the aéoliens are accessible on the existing farm tracks, I walk lots of these and have passed Under probably 30 of them multiple times and never seen one dead bird, not that the habitat supports many live ones.

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 Chancer said:

just provokes the "shan't" reaction from me, I have always been like

that which is why I am only now just watching the umpteenth repeat of

"you must see" films from the 70's and 80's and seeing them for the

first time ever.

You have no idea how that made me laugh. I can be like that about a lot in life.

 As for films, I haven't seen Titanic or Braveheart or Avatar, all more than highly recommended.....

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Me neither, but given that I have ET, all the Starwars films, Indiana Jones and just about every other "must see" film to see before I can get around to the above I probably never will see them.


I actually did see Avatar while I was at the boot camp and it was indeed very very good.


By chance I saw "Idiocracy" on the TV and it really touched a nerve with me in a way that no other film has, to see two ordinary non academic non intelligent people landed in a future where they are suddenly the cleverest people on the planet really struck home, the storywriting and the acting so good that they could have filmed it where iIlive, I bought the French language DVD on Amazon France, its the only DVD that I own, I would never share it with anyone I know around here but two kindred spirits whose paths crossed with mine, 2 people that had to move here for work and found themselves as isolated as myself have seen it and it both cases within 2 months they had handed in their notice and moved to another region of France preferring to live on the dole, my loss [:(]

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Hope that's a good one, Chancer, cos reading your post has just made me order the DVD!

It had better be an improvement on one of your previous recommendations - the squeegee window cleaner thing, which does nothing but streak and smear for me... ?

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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="You can call me Betty"]Whether anyone takes part in it or not, a five year old could put together a better set of questions.[/quote]

This poll is a classic case of why all polls should be banned. After all it's not rocket science, ask the right people the right questions and you will get the answer you want. What the general public really think is not important to those trying to manipulate public opinion.


NickP, should that apply to all referendums as well?[:D]

I myself am in two minds about referendums.  If we have elected MPs to represent us, then they should argue the pros and cons and make the decision.  At least that was my thinking until recent years when our elected representatives have been less than trustworthy[:'(]

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[quote user="Loiseau"]Hope that's a good one, Chancer, cos reading your post has just made me order the DVD! It had better be an improvement on one of your previous recommendations - the squeegee window cleaner thing, which does nothing but streak and smear for me... ? Angela[/quote]


So does mine!!!!


I blame being able to see better with new glasses or contact lenses and the spring light!!!


I wipe over all the Windows and glass now after cleaning with a Lidl microfibre special window cloth.


For my nex recommendation...............................


A Thane steam mop, when yours breaks like mine and they refuse to fix it Under warranty I can tell you what the defective part is, how to remove it and never have any further problems.

Editted, I dont think the film is anywhere near in the same league as the others mentioned, it just touched a nerve for me like a dentists drill in a way that Bienvenue chez les Cht'is never did.

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I think you miss the point...we moved to France and brought business to the community by renovating our house...like other Brits we created jobs for the French people. Out of nowhere they are going to build 3 wind turbines 180 METRES tall 500 m from my neighbours kitchen window.

WE do not get a reduced tariff, in fact we have to pay for them through the CPSE on our electricity bill.

I would love a small wind turbine in my garden..and any small installation that would make it unnecessary to have these extortionate bills. What I don't want is something 20 times the height of your pylons whumping away flashing and flickering in my face.

Further, the houses were not so cheap when we bought them...but they will be soon
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[quote user="Ducks"]I think you miss the point...we moved to France and brought business to the community by renovating our house...like other Brits we created jobs for the French people. Out of nowhere they are going to build 3 wind turbines 180 METRES tall 500 m from my neighbours kitchen window.

WE do not get a reduced tariff, in fact we have to pay for them through the CPSE on our electricity bill.

I would love a small wind turbine in my garden..and any small installation that would make it unnecessary to have these extortionate bills. What I don't want is something 20 times the height of your pylons whumping away flashing and flickering in my face.

Further, the houses were not so cheap when we bought them...but they will be soon[/quote]

Your not the only one to spend on a house renovation, and your not the only one to use French labour. Your attitude sounds to me a bit NIMBY, and yes they can build them near to my house when they like, as I said I would be quite happy.

 500 metres away, I don't think your likely to be bothered by whumping (whatever that is) or flashing and flickering in your face. If you think that they will affect the price of your house, I would suggest you don't know much about the French and you are thinking with a British attitude to property prices.

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"Like other Brits, we created jobs for French people"

A few months' work for a handful of local tradesmen is a drop in the ocean. I suspect that the combined contribution of Brits ( who represent perhaps 0.4% of the population of France, at best) is so small as to be both actually and statistically insignificant.

France employs more than 176000 people (source: Le Figaro) in the renewable energy sector, and in 2011, it was being predicted that wind energy would be creating 33 new jobs a DAY. So, I think you'll find that trumps you getting a bloke in to do a spot of bricolage in your kitchen.

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Was this on the cards when you bought.

Let us face it, none of us are immune from major works, inourbackyard. Whether it be a new road/autoroute/tgvline/dam/airport/power lines.

And as you want to add a windfarm to that list, I personally find it the lesser 'evil'!

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I remain unconvinced that wind power and many other eco-technologies for energy creation have reached a real economic level. Therefore subsidies are required.

I see this as the natural progression of developing new technologies.

For those that complain about the installation of turbines in their "back yard" I offer a number of alternatives:

1. Instead of the turbines we decide to build a nuclear station just as far away as the turbines - please note that these also attract a very substantial government subsidy paid by tax payers.

2. We build turbines as designed, with the EDF tariff. This helps develop the technology and provide for future improvement where perhaps no subsidies will be required.

3. All objectors are taken off grid. They get no electricity supply. They can provide for themselves by whatever Heath Robinson devices they chose. The reduction in demand for grid electricity will mean fewer turbines need to be installed, and they can avoid the turbine on the hill next door.

So Ducky, what's your choice?

And perhaps anticipating a kneejerk response.

You will need a turbine that delivers a constant minimum 3KW supply ( and you would struggle at 3KW). Wind supply is not constant so you would need a battery charging system to provide probably 3 days worth of energy for days when the wind does not blow.

You will therefore need the necessary charging equipment and around 80 12V car batteries to store your necessary power - and this based on a minimal 3KW supply. A 6KW supply will require twice the number, and remember that they will need replacing over time.

Just for fun I priced a 10KW turbine - which is probably what you would need for a 6KW average supply - £55K plus VAT. It is an 8m diameter turbine and would be on your land (not 500m away).


If you can install these 50 m from your house they will need to be less than 18m high to have less effect than the proposed turbines.

And do remember that each and every one of your neighbours would need to go down the same route.

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[quote user="andyh4"]Since we bought our house we have had a wind park erected on the other side of the valley.

It has not spoiled my enjoyment of the area. It has not perceptibly reduced the notional value of my property (my house has no value until I decide to sell it IMO). There are not piles of bat or bird corpses at the base where they have flown into the blades.

I find it strange that a windmill in Holland is considered a delight and one in France is an eyesore.

I too will not be taking part in the survey.[/quote]

Of course they never fly into the blades

This is just a figment of our imagination. And there are some more interesting video clips following. This one is a good advert for having one near you? And you are lcome to it.

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