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Staying as a microenterprise with one big customer


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Teaching English as a microenterprise.

I have one big customer (a school) and it seems possible they are going to want me to do additional work for them next year.  Which would be ok, but I am worrying about if I can stay as a microenterprise (or if the authoritis are going to insist I should be employed by the school) if I do 15 or even 20 hours a week for the school, and just 2 or 3 hours for private customers.  Is there a threshold does anyone know?  Thanks

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I think this question may be slanted slightly differently and that the OP is asking about what are the exact rules.

If there are any I suspect the source would be the local tax office, and asking there might just raise a whole lot of rabbits.

I rather suspect there is a lot of local interpretation and no precise numbers.
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As explained before. It's not a numbers game, it all hinges on whether it's considered to be a client/supplier relationship or an employer/employee relationship. The official line is:

"si un lien de subordination de fait peut être établi entre vous et le donneur d'ordre, la relation contractuelle peut être requalifiée par le juge en contrat de travail." Is there a "lien de subordination"? Well I guess there is but the relationship is exactly the same if you work for them for 5 hours a week or 35 hours a week, doing extra work will make no difference to the lien de subordination that either exists or doesn't.

But as Chancer says, nobody is spying on you and nobody is going to know anything, insist on anything or take any interest whatsoever in your activity unless for some reason somebody decides to take action against the school, just so long as you pay your cotisations and taxes. In the unlikely event that they do, the school will be fined big time so the school is the one taking the risk. You will be regarded as the victim and in fact you are the one who stands to lose out most because you're putting yourself in a situation where you have no security if the school goes belly up or doesn't need you any more because of poor student recruitment. But if you're happy with it then it's no skin off anybody else's nose.
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