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Forum Member cooperlola


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 Have been away from the forum for a few weeks and what awful news to return to .

I think it was through 'Coops' that I joined this forum - she always gives  such intelligent and balanced views on any topic and of course worked so hard for all of us during the health care crisis  - so please pass on my very best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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Debs/Coops has been so very helpful with giving me advice and support on this Forum.  Send her my love and best wishes for her recovery.

Thank you also for finding the time to give us an update, Ian.

Sincerely and with love



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Ian and Debs - I can only echo the sentiments of everyone else... when ever I think of coops I think of the very pretty girl with the long hair in the photo she posted... and she looks just as she should... kind, pretty, amusing... best wishes to you both and I hope she makes a speedy recovering! xx Colleen
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Cooperlola update! I saw Deb tonight - but she was "asleep" at the time! She had just returned from 8 hours (yes) in theatre fixing her right knee. The reason she was still asleep is that they'll leave her that way until tomorrow, when they will mend the comparatively simple break on the left leg. The right wrist has been done, and apparently the left is ok - no break. Then she will be woken up - and given the little present I left, which is a picture of her favourite cat, Cooper! The ribs - three are broken on the right side - will not be fixed, which is the norm.

She is in the Reanimation Chirurgical Unit, which is the Intensive Therapy Unit -French Style. She has so much stuff by her bed, with all sorts of drugs being administered and monitors going left right and proably centre. I was "shown round" by a delightful young doc and her even prettier student. I had to wear a gown and wash my mits before entering. Once again, I am entirely impressed with the level of care and professionalism. If Deb doesn't make a full recovery, it will not be for lack of effort by the hospital, that is quite certain.

A car crash is a violent event. I am pleased to say that apart from a bit of bruising and a couple of small marks on her chin, Deb's face has not suffered - not that that would worry her very much, anyway!

I expect to visit again late Saturday, when conversation may be posible. More then.


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[quote user="cooperlola2"]

Good morning. I aplogise for my intrusion, but I have important news re my wife, member cooperlola, I think.

She was driving back from the UK yesterday when involved in a crash on the RN10. She was airlifted to Rouen where she has been diagnosed with multiple fractures of arms, legs, ribs. Vital signs appear ok, and she was apparently conscious and somewhat alert on arrival in hospital. I expect to visit Thrusday, and will be pleased to update on here if that is appropriate.

I am so ignorant on forum discipline that I do not know how to boadcast this news in any other way (my Groups tend to be Yahoo, which work differently!) and cooperlola's computer is not a friendly place for a husband to lurk!

Again, for those who neither know nor care, I apologise, but please try to understand my position!




Ian, please be assurred that forum nettiquette goes pretty much out of the window in times of crisis.

I'm so sorry Coops has been in what sounds like a serious accident.

You must be so horribly worried and frightened....it was so good of you to think of us, and let us know. 

This is a little community and even though I've been lying low for ages, someone let me know about Coops's accident.

I know this must be difficult for you if you aren't used to forums, but If you can, please carry on with the updates.


My very best wishes to Coops, of course.




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