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Somalia pirates face Russian justice

just john

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Or, the pirates could now realise that all Russian ships are fair game. No need to worry about the crew, just kill them all. Anything that comes near, blaze away with the AKs and RPGs. Fortunately that is the view that all other nations take, and the Maritime Unions. Obviously, they must all be wrong.

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Who's to say but put it this way whichever country does what at the moment the pirates still carry on. It will be interesting to see how things develope. If its true how much money the pirates earn then sinking a trawler is not going to effect their profits much, the cost of a new one will just come out of their beer money. However you might find this artical interesting STATUS OF SEIZED VESSELS AND CREWS IN SOMALIA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN -11 June especially the bit under Trends, some of which supports your view.
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Blimey Velcro definitely not a good strategy, don't give up the day job[:D]

Interesting detail 'Q' thanks, and very interesting quote on the hapless couple . . .

''With former British Premier Gordon Brown gone, maybe some more rational and humanitarian minded politicians will now be at the helm in the UK, who do not abandon their citizen and will extend help to solve the appalling case, though also the new government in the UK made it clear that no ransom would be paid by the British government.''

The point is not just about relieving some vessel of doubloons but free passage in a modern world. I can't see a legitimate AID organisation payment to the state being accepted as a reason to quit by violent criminal gangs.

There is such insurrection that it must be clear that the international community can not allow such to continue, and at whatever speed or cost to whoever, sooner or later a government will find itself in a position where a item is required to be released, so maybe we will see ''mercenaries'' or a full-on military escalation until there is some control and law in the region, surely this is the ultimate goal?



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Why would I be in the interested in the crew? No value. To Piracy PLC, they are a Liability. Kill 'em, and increase Profit and Dividend. Seems simple to me.

Maybe the pirates will learn from this particular case. Kidnapping rarely pays, it's a costly, high risk investment. Stick to boats and cargos.

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[quote user="velcorin"]I've always had racing dinghies and yachts, since I could walk. Started in Oppis, eventually ended up helming on America's Cuppers. Got 3 boats at the moment.  [/quote]

I have one, the problem with having more is that I find it very difficult to sail them all at the same time. [:D]

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[quote user="velcorin"] Why would I be in the interested in the crew? No value. To Piracy PLC, they are a Liability. Kill 'em, and increase Profit and Dividend. Seems simple to me.  Maybe the pirates will learn from this particular case. Kidnapping rarely pays, it's a costly, high risk investment. Stick to boats and cargos. [/quote]

Quite so Velco, strategies are endless, who knows, next thing a Button Marvin Gays the Capo, order goes, things get sloppy, next they hit another Russian arms carrier . . . .   

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[quote user="velcorin"]I've always had racing dinghies and yachts, since I could walk. Started in Oppis, eventually ended up helming on America's Cuppers. Got 3 boats at the moment.  [/quote]

I'd advise against putting that on your application for a pirate boat permit.

With all that experience I imagine you know what the spurlash is?

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[quote user="Weedon"]

[quote user="velcorin"]I've always had racing dinghies and yachts, since I could walk. Started in Oppis, eventually ended up helming on America's Cuppers. Got 3 boats at the moment.  [/quote]

I'd advise against putting that on your application for a pirate boat permit.

With all that experience I imagine you know what the spurlash is?


Reminds me of a musical with a song that I believe is also the US Marine Corps Hymn. Mind you a certain English butter also comes to mind. [;-)]

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[quote user="velcorin"](I'm probably regret it.) Gone on, tell me what IS a spurlash.[/quote]

[:D] Oh Velco, thanks for humouring me.

It's the sound the anchor makes when it hits the water..........spur...lash![:-))]


Edited Friday.

That seems to have stopped the topic.[:D]

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Apparently the origin is a Naval fools errand; when sending people to ask for a spurlash they are often greeted by being thrown in the water.

Since we are not there, you're on your honour to jump into the briny, unless you can pass it on of course[:D]




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[quote user="just john "]

Apparently the origin is a Naval fools errand; when sending people to ask for a spurlash they are often greeted by being thrown in the water.

Since we are not there, you're on your honour to jump into the briny, unless you can pass it on of course[:D]


Bit like being sent for 'a long weight', 'a sky hook' and 'some tent peg hole filler'. [8-|]

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  • 7 months later...

I have resurrected the thread as I have just watched a really intersting program on the Somalie piracy on ArtĆ©, you should be able to see it on Pluzz.fr

The latter part was taken up with the stories of the Chandlers and the French family where the husband was tragically killed during the French special forces assault to retake their yacht, I didnt know he was killed by friendly fire.

The interview with his widow was especially moving,  they showed her footage of the Chandlers saying how ridiculous the British Navy looked by just standing by doing nothing and how the pirates held them in contempt, through her tears she said that she knew they were having a hard time but at least they were alive and how she wished La France had taken the same decision.

For those interested in this subject I commend you to watch it, it is followed by another programme "Le fiasco du Hansa Stavanger) about the seizure of a porte conteneur and its liberation by GSG9, the marine equivalent of the GIGN, its on now so I am ending the posting to watch as well as listen to it!

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