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Good to know the first session went well.

From what little outside experience I have had with a close relative undergoing a similar treatment, Coops might feel nauseous for the next couple of days.

If this is the case, think ginger (crystalised, biscuits...) and peppermint (tea, sweets...)

All the best to you both.

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Honey, I'm home!

Woolyb, I should warn you that cricket metaphores (or any team sport for that matter) are lost on Mr C.  His gggrandfather played for Sussex and the MCC but the genes withered after that.

Thanks all for your good wishes and overwhelmingly kind words, as per.  I'm feeling absolutely fine but have been reading about other people's reactions to Taxol and many kick in after 24 or more hours so I am still prepared for a bit of an onslaught and am drinking a decent cup of tea whilsts I still can!  Ginger bikkies, eh Clare?  What a shame that there isn't a Sainsbury's round the corner - have you ever eaten their Taste the Difference Ginger and Oatmeal Cookies?  I was about to type: "They are to die for" but perhaps it's better to shelve such expressions for the moment?[Www]

When I was getting ready to leave hospital this morning, another patient appeared, also for her first chemo.  It's surprising what a bit of solidarity can do - it definately is good to share experiences with those who share the same problems.  She, like me, has just gone through weeks of tests so we were able to exchange "ghastly wasn't it?"s and "wasn't so bad, was it?" s!  She was going to have a go with the cold cap treatment for hair loss prevention so I was able to tell her that after the first couple of minutes it is well "supportable" and, I felt, at least worth a go.  "What can it hurt?" as they say.

Yes, the hit numbers and post numbers for this thread are incredible.  I feel justified, therefore, in rambling on about the treatment etc.  For sure I personally find it very useful to record my day-to-day experiences, and you lot are not obliged to read them or respond to them, but it is truly lovely of you to do so!  And you never know, it might come in handy in the future if anybody else (and sadly, it's bound to happen) has to undergo cancer treatment here.

If I don't return for a while, it's because I've thrown up into my keyboard!![:-))]

[kiss][kiss][kiss] to you all.

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Many already have...

I found radiation treatment the easiest to bear. Chemotherapy is no big deal apart from a few side effects, but the actual process is nothing too bad.

Surgery was by far the worst, although potentially a complete cure. A month in Hospital with drains, suppurating wounds and infections and all the associated discomfort was not  nice.

As fir radio frequency I will see  next time...

Good to know that  you have got through the first session.

Be warned though that the side effects tend to be cumulative,  and be prepared for delays if your white blood count drops too low to allow the next session of treatment

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Norman - your link has reminded me of the organisation La Ligue Contre le Cancer which I contribute to now and again. They send out a very interesting booklet once a year about all the different areas of research into cancers.

I think there's a branch in every Dept. and they're worth supporting.

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[quote user="idun"]

[:D]Now you know that cats' just tell you how it is.

And that says to me, welcome back to my place, make yourself comfy, just like me!


I'm not sure about that, Dogs have Masters, Cats have staff; it looks more like it's saying, ah you're back, when's dinner . . .[:)]

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