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[quote user="Cathy"]

[quote user="Dog"] An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue. Russian Proverb [/quote]

I would like to dispute this proverb. I definitely do not concur with it.  [Www]


I will break my Golden Rule. No disputes are allowed. Concurence is not fallible proof.

Do not question over 140 million people.


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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Cathy"]

[quote user="Dog"] An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue. Russian Proverb [/quote]

I would like to dispute this proverb. I definitely do not concur with it.  [Www]

[/quote] I will break my Golden Rule. No disputes are allowed. Concurence is not fallible proof. Do not question over 140 million people. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html [/quote]

So does that make us friends, Dog?

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[quote user="Cathy"][quote user="Dog"][quote user="Cathy"]

[quote user="Dog"] An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue. Russian Proverb [/quote]

I would like to dispute this proverb. I definitely do not concur with it.  [Www]

[/quote] I will break my Golden Rule. No disputes are allowed. Concurence is not fallible proof. Do not question over 140 million people. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html [/quote]

So does that make us friends, Dog?


Ohh yessssssssssssssss.

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When I despair, I remember that all through history

the ways of truth and love have always won.

There have been tyrants, and murderers,

and for a time they can seem invincible,

but in the end they always fall.

Think of it - always.


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 Brothers, let us glorify freedom’s twilight
the great, darkening year.
Into the seething waters of the night
heavy forests of nets disappear.
O Sun, judge, people, your light
is rising over sombre years

Let us glorify the deadly weight
the people’s leader lifts with tears.
Let us glorify the dark burden of fate,
power’s unbearable yoke of fears.
How your ship is sinking, straight,
he who has a heart, Time, hears.

We have bound swallows
into battle legions - and we,
we cannot see the sun: nature’s boughs
are living, twittering, moving, totally:
through the nets –the thick twilight - now
we cannot see the sun, and Earth floats free.

Let’s try: a huge, clumsy, turn then
of the creaking helm, and, see
Earth floats free. Take heart, O men.
Slicing like a plough through the sea,
Earth to us, we know, even in Lethe’s icy fen,
has been worth a dozen heavens’ eternity.

Osip Mandelstam
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A fool says what he knows. A wise man knows what he says.

And another one about problems:

You might feel that your problem is worse than that of everyone else. But if we all put down our problems, and looked around to see those of others, we would choose our own again.

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Have you ever visited that portion of Erin's plot that
offers its sympathetic soil for the minute survey and scrutinous
examination of those in political power, whose decision has
wisely been the means before now of converting the stern
and prejudiced, and reaching the hand of slight aid to share
its strength in augmenting its agricultural richness?

Amanda McKittrick Ros

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Qur'an Chapter 83





Cheating and Fraud

Woe unto the defrauders:
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure,
But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.
Do they not think that they will be called to account?-
Unto an Awful Day, 
The day on which men shall stand before the Lord of the worlds?

 Nay! most surely the record of the wicked is in the Sijjin.

And what will explain to thee what Sijjin is?
A written record. 
Woe, that Day, to those that deny-
Those that deny the Day of Judgment. 
Which none denieth save each criminal transgressor,
When Our Signs are rehearsed to him, he says, "Tales of the ancients!"
By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the ill which they do! 
Nay! most surely they shall on that day be debarred from their Lord

Further, they will enter the Fire of Hell.
Then shall it be said: This is what you gave the lie to.

Nay! Most surely the record of the righteous shall be in the Iliyin. 

And what will explain to thee what 'Illiyun is? 
A written record,
Attested by those who are brought near unto their Lord.
Most surely the righteous shall be in bliss,

On thrones, they shall gaze; 

You will recognize in their faces the brightness of bliss.

They are made to quaff of a pure drink that is sealed to others. 

The seal thereof will be Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations:
And mixed with water of Tasnim,
A fountain from which drink -they who are drawn near to Allah.

Those in sin used to laugh at those who believed,
And whenever they passed by them, used to wink at each other in mockery; 
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;
And whenever they saw them, they would say, "Behold! These are the people truly astray!"
And they were not sent to be keepers over them. 

But on this Day the Believers will laugh at the Unbelievers:
On thrones, they will look.

Will not the Unbelievers have been paid back for what they did?
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