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Just when one thought you couldn't possibly get worse Wolly, you do [:-))]

As if anyone in their right mind would cross a bananana wiv a sheep? Well. I suppose Mon-insane-toe might if they thought they could make a few pennies from it? Could be slippery customers though!

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Message from Quillan (who now can't post!):

Mod Hat


Hello one and


Out of desperation

I have contacted the Tech Support Help Desk by phone at Archant


Too many problems

to give them a full description but have passed on the basics. The Help Desk guy

was rather nice and has gone off to find the guy responsible and I have asked

for somebody to at least post something to show they are aware of the problem. I

did try to contact that person directly but they are not at their desk so I

suspect there are a few problems with these changes all round and we are a

little down the list to be dealt with. Hopefully, I am told, somebody will be

along shortly to at least tell us they are aware of the problems and how far

they have got with fixing them. So can you all hang on in there please. I

wouldn't fiddle with your PC's too much as it's not your end that's the problem

and fiddling may create problems for other websites that you use.


Mod Hat


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It's taken me ages to find a way to post on here now!

I hate the layout. Why all the lavender down the sides, why doesn't the width of the forum body expand with the browser width, as on full screen for example? So much wasted space!
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 Q has had a reply from Archant asking if we could make a list of the issues so I'm going to start a new thread for technical issues only. (Yes I know they're all here, but it seems we'll be collating it and forwarding it so please keep it brief

System, Browser type, issues. Like this:

 System :XP

Browser: IE7

Problem(s): Large area of white between header and actual forum

( I'm sure if I've missed something Clair will add to the thread !)


 I think we should probably keep opinion about the blue on white, black font on blue ground for another thread which I'll also start

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I found the new forum last night, having been alerted by threads in Another Place, and attempted to log in.  The whole thing was just jumping around the screen everytime I tried and after some minutes I gave up.  (Of course having a red login right at the top naturally appears as THE place to login.  It took a while for me to realise the duller, bluer login was the one to use.[:@]

Came back this morning and managed to access it.  I have the same problems as others.  Why is the huge white space there?  It seems to serve no purpose except to make people angry.  The picture is very pretty and a good opening shot, but why is it necessary to have it as a permanent border?  It is very distracting.

The constant need to scroll down is irritating and wastes a lot of time.  I have no wish to fiddle with my browsers etc - and I shouldn't have to - to read a forum I have belonged to for years......

Hopefully the Teckies will sort it out and soon.  Perhaps they would be able to send an email to members letting them know when it's been fixed............


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Other than all the bugs which are too many to mention the main issue for me would be content... The old forum showed lots of content in a minimal space.

This new one does the reverse.  So, although the flowers are nice I think compacting the main menu screen would be a big help.

I would like to see main topics and sub topics screen in as little space as possible such that one would hardly need to scroll.

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[quote user="osie"]...the main issue for me would be content... The old forum showed lots of content in a minimal space. This new one does the reverse.  < snip >  I would like to see main topics and sub topics screen in as little space as possible such that one would hardly need to scroll.[/quote]

Seconded. Strongly.

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Well done mods for all your hard work.

However (there's always a however!), it really is a bit tedious having explained all the faults on this thread and in an e-mail to the head honcho, to have to do it all again in two different threads!  I'm still not sure where some of the issues belong - technical or appearance so I've duplicated some.  Other things which I am suffering from I've not repeated as others have already posted about them. 


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I've just received this from another forum (no names, no pack drill) which is also making major changes:

"The forum will be unavailable for use from approximately 9am to 5pm whilst we make changes to the software. We will do this as quickly as possible, however there is a lot involved behind the scenes so we would be grateful for your patience while we make the changeover and deal with any teething problems."


Sorry chaps in charge of this (much friendlier and more pleasant, imo) forum, but that's the way to do it. 

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I've just received this from another forum (no names, no pack drill) which is also making major changes:

"The forum will be unavailable for use from approximately 9am to 5pm whilst we make changes to the software. We will do this as quickly as possible, however there is a lot involved behind the scenes so we would be grateful for your patience while we make the changeover and deal with any teething problems."

Sorry chaps in charge of this (much friendlier and pleasant, imo) forum, but that's the way to do it. 


Don't forget this bit Coops - ''Once the changes have been completed, XX will automatically redirect you to the new site but in future you will be able to access the forum via  XX and click on Forum in the main navigation. Your existing XX login credentials will work for the new forum, so there will be no need to re-register.''

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Those of us who know Archant will understand that their sole motivation is making money (and keeping it). There's nothing wrong with that per se. However, they need to understand that the key to making money in a sustainable way is to deal honestly and openly with their stakeholders and not treat them like idiots. This is about treating us like idiots. The perpetual pop-up box was bad enough. But you -- Archant -- have now just shredded what little brand and reputational credibility you had. Do you really feel you need to do this?? Do you really think this is going to make you more money?? You are deluded. The web doesn't work like this. I'm off somewhere else, and I imagine many of your other readers will do the same. Tough.
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Don't you think that the fact that the thread is so long and so full of rants carries a certain implication?? Are Archant not quite understanding this? What part of "we think this is crap" don't they understand?

I have respected your contribution to this forum for quite some time. Surely you cannot now become an uncritical apologist for this pagaille.

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So you gave them 14 minutes to sort it out at nine o'clock at night and because they didn't your going somewhere else?


Seeing as you have only made 23 posts over four years and virtually all of those have been asking for help I don't think that you will be missed that much. For somebody with your background I think your comments are somewhat childlike. Talk about going home and taking your ball with you!


If you expect some personal grovelling apology then your out of luck, we shall be saving that for some of the members who have, over the years, given the forum excellent service and have been truly unselfish when it comes to helping others.


If your not coming back and want us to deactivate your account just send us a PM.

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[quote user="roger888"]Clair

Don't you think that the fact that the thread is so long and so full of rants carries a certain implication?? Are Archant not quite understanding this? What part of "we think this is crap" don't they understand?

I have respected your contribution to this forum for quite some time. Surely you cannot now become an uncritical apologist for this pagaille.[/quote]

Frankly, I believe that a simple list of problems is more likely to be read and to be of help than a 20-page thread where people vent their frustration.

Your two posts paint you as a man with a grudge and you are probably right to go "off somewhere else". I'm quite sure I won't miss you.

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