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Une maladie diplomatique


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It seems the close political relationship between France and Germany which has lasted over fifty years is now at an end. This article explains:-


Personally I am not a fan of the European Union and see this development as a positive move both for France and the UK. I think that for too long now France and Germany have been dominating the EU with their particular brand of political philosophies and ignoring other smaller countries input. Their belief in interventionism, manipulation of markets and unremitting bureaucratic controls have led to economic stagnation. Although one swallow does not a summer make, perhaps this is a shaft of light. There is also a rift developing between France and the ECB. A little know clause in an EU treaty allows member states to take back from the ECB the economic control of their economies. It's called the "nuclear option" and would have the potential of shaking the bank and the EU commission to their boot straps. It's just a question if Sarkozy has the balls and political support to do it. If the Euro continues to rise unchecked by the ECB then watch this space.

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I think it is Sarkozy rather than anything more significant.  He is doing the same to everybody.  He was due to spend a couple of nights with the Queen in the UK (dinners, meeting, etc. all arranged) but the other day decided it was "too much" and changed the booking to just the one night (which is surprising as she is very rich - probably even richer than Richard Branson and we know how he likes "hanging around" rich people").

He did something similar in Romania recently and loads of other instances - and is apparently "pissing-off" quite a few governments (and similar) in the process; though they are still being moderately "diplomatic" in their comments.

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