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Complete France Forum

Do you lot all know each other?!

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Been browsing your posts and am much appreciating the banter that goes on. Just wondered tho', as a 'newbie', whether you lot have been on this site for yonks as you all seem to know one another... how easy is it for us to join in?!

Feel like a bit of an tranger(re) in the Camusian sense

ps sorry to the member called Lavender, I didn't mean to steal your identity!
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I only joined I think November time and really have found the Forum very useful. I have lived in France for 4 and a half years now and have been introduced to another French (albeit Anglisised (sp.) dimension)

Have met some lovely people too. Must admit am curious to meet some of the regulars here - I'd love to share a glass of the Rouge with Miki. I think Miki is about late 40's has lots of blondy-graying hair and a beard! Probably about 5ft 11' and of medium build. But I could be wrong....

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I know the feeling too - sometimes a bit wary to add anything in case I'm going over old ground for the "regulars"!!!

That having been said - really useful forum - wish I had more time to read all the postings - ah well some day!!

Wish I'd come up with a more inspiring name though!!!

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  • 3 years later...
I've been a forum member for approx 2 1/2 years ( is that yonks?) and, as far as I know, have only met one other member and that was discovered by a process of elimination. Then again, how would I know if I had met a member?, its not your average introductory comment is it?   ...."Hi, I'm powerdesal from the complete france forum".... It just doesn't work that way does it?

Enjoy your membership and dont take the banter too seriously.

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[quote user="Deby"]I only joined I think November time and really have found the Forum very useful. I have lived in France for 4 and a half years now and have been introduced to another French (albeit Anglisised (sp.) dimension)

Have met some lovely people too. Must admit am curious to meet some of the regulars here - I'd love to share a glass of the Rouge with Miki. I think Miki is about late 40's has lots of blondy-graying hair and a beard! Probably about 5ft 11' and of medium build. But I could be wrong....


Now Deby, you know you mustn't mention the "M" word. [:P]

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[quote user="Cheronnac"]I know the feeling too - sometimes a bit wary to add anything in case I'm going over old ground for the "regulars"!!!

That having been said - really useful forum - wish I had more time to read all the postings - ah well some day!!


The time to worry is when you have nothing better to do than read all the posts...

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mmmmmmmmmmm whats that smell ....oh Lavender ......joined 2004 .....wouldn't call you a newbie .

By now you should know how easy it is to join in ...just dive in the waters lovely....and welcome [:D]

doh ...just read the date of original posting ......foot in mouth .....hee hee

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[quote user="Monika"]I have been on this Forum for "yonks" ![/quote] 

But obviously not when the thread you replied to was posted. Unless the date of the posts on this thread are wrong the last post on this thread was in July 2004 and the OP is long gone and probably dead by now [:P]


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This is surreal - did Lavender really post in 2004?  How on earth did that happen?

Are we a clique here?  I think not.  There's too many of us.  It is weird though having all you virtual friends out there - I don't let too many of my UK friends know about this Forum as I'm not sure they would understand!

Who is Miki?  Can I be let in on the secret?

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[quote user="vervialle"]Cathy,  he is the St Malo 1. he lurks in the vaults a bit like the Phantom of the Opera.[/quote]

So he's a he.  At least I've found that out.  I have a vault here and it's called a chai and it's filled with red wine (with the occasional bottle of Pineau and Old Nick white rum).  So does Miki drink red wine all day in St Malo?


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It would be interesting to see a list of banned members, together with their current (and interim) alter egos.

For recent members, it would be necessary to have a sort-of citation of their misdemeanour, as in "Moaned incessantly about the rules".   

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