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Unused camping gaz cylinders


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Remember the little blue camping gaz cookers and lights we all had when we first started travelling years ago? Well, a little bird and I were cleaning out her shed (that is another story) when we found a couple of unused ones.

The dechetterie refused to take them, so where might they be taken to get rid of them, svp?

(This only refers to the little blue ruggers, not the big kitchen ones.)
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If they're the refillable 'bouteille' type (even the litttle ones), you can take 'em back to a Campingaz 'point de vente' où "Elles seront reprises gratuitement, sans condition" [:D].


For the non-refillable 'cartouche' type, I don't think there's any recycling scheme.  Most advice seem to vent or burn off the gas, and then take the empty cylinder to be recycled as metal at the dump.

Venting the gas doesn't seem environmentally responsible, but I guess it was always going to get burnt anyways.  I s'pose you could always use 'em to make a few brews instead of using the kettle - assuming you've still got the burner, that is ..

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Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm for efficient recycling, I threw out all the metal bits of lamps etc before receiving the bad news that the déchèterie would not take the unused cartridges. So can' t just use them up.

NB. They are cartridges that slide inside the support for a cMping gas lamp, not the tougher small cylinders into which you screw the appliance directly.

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If they are the type that gets punctured when you put them in the Appliance then I still use them, most these days have a valve so can be switchen between appliances, I find my type harder and harder to find and my last purchase in the UK made my eyes water.

I'm too far away from you to take them but they can also be used in cheap brico blowlamps so maybe keep them and use them for plumbing?

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