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I see someone has got it quick to start another vicious brexit thread before the forum closes. LOL.

'Should you hate Brexiters' ? According to them, yes you should.

Let's create some more hatred and division on the forum while we still can. Some people just can't be helped.

And then they wonder why the forum is closing. You really could not make it up.

Should you be allowed to create such threads ? Of course not. But the super mod over there will let it go.

To much hatred in this world. Especially on that forum.
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[quote user="parsnips"]Hi,  Another well known and quite busy forum is being closed by its management in March;I anticipate that there will be a surge of new members here between now and then[/quote]

Or long-time members returning?
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[quote user="JSKS"][quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Usually when you quote someone the member you are quoting is talking shît. The forum software recognises this at makes it look like shît.


I see what you mean[/quote]

You see it works.


If you reach 10,000 posts like Chancer and Norman you can quote correctly.
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It is indeed a great opportunity but very few will return or remain for any length of time unless this forum sorts out its new and enhanced user experience, people want to be able to quote, include links, add images, all things that are broken here.


Today, and it has happened before it wont allow me to post a reply, opens the page but the cursor wont go into the message box and nothing can be typed, takes up to 5 minutes before it lets me and editting the title like I have done here sometimes clears the bug.


I joined the other place after a new and enhanced user experience ruined this one and drove most contributors away, the other place was and is still far more frequented, then they did the same software upgrade cock up, then there was Brexit and 18 months of often hate filled posts and the pulling of the plug was inevitable.


I remained faithfull here because the vast majority are decent and helpfull and not out to score points or belittle others, however the  mental effort and playing around involved these days in just making a posting is just too much.

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The demise of FE was simply down to poor moderation. I appreciate the mod does it in their free time and they have been ill etc etc...but if you are not up for the job you are not up for the job. Nevile was great.

I belong to another French forum and it is brilliantly moderated. Firstly because the mod there knows everything about France and so you can't compete with her. All so because the slightest bit of friction and she sorts it out. There are no ifs or buts. Break the rules and she intervenes and if necessary the thread gets cut. I like that.

The site does not even sell magazines, property or anything.

I guess this forum will go the same way one day unless people post.

FE turned nasty with Brexit and as an outsider it was quite shocking to read. As I pointed out earlier in the thread, another post has gone up today to start more trouble. Does the Mod do anything ??? No. Why ?

Anyway I guess a lot of people will go to facebook. Personally I hate facebook. Others might go to Survive France and well, it is well moderated but.......there is that British in France...'I'm better than you syndrome'. And you have to have your full name, picture, and email a copy of your electricity bill before becoming a member. LOL.

Anyway, sort computer out Chancer. Your computer is the problem not the forum software.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]New or returning members would be welcome indeed, especially as two of our more useful and elder friends, Norman and Mint seem to have disappeared.

Which is very sad.[/quote]

Wooly, Norman put a super photo of the Seine on the forum a few days ago, so maybe he’s out and about taking more for everyone’s delectation - probably has a very stable tripod in his barrel - as you so nicely put it!
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"] Anyway, sort computer out Chancer. Your computer is the problem not the forum software.[/quote]


There is no doubt of that yet I am one of the few that can post a link that is clickable albeit not in blue, everyone regardless of make of computer or browser should be able to post, quote, make links and add images and not have the page turned into gibberish with random characters.


The displaced people could and IMO should come here but as it stands most wont contribute.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]I don't understand why the quoting function works for some and not others.

Do you just press quote and that is it ?[/quote]

Does quoting work for me? Just testing . . .

It looks OK in the preview.

Edit - but not in the post. :(

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[quote user="tinabee"][quote user="alittlebitfrench"]I don't understand why the quoting function works for some and not others.

Do you just press quote and that is it ?[/quote]

Does quoting work for me? Just testing . . .

It looks OK in the preview.

Edit - but not in the post. :([/quote]

I think it still works for me, using W10 and Firefox 58.0.1


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