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Why do French men do it public?

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Go for a leak (for want of being polite).

This happens quite a lot and it's one of the things that I just can't understand (can't stand either).

Cyclists out for a cycle getting caught short mighte be acceptable but not what happened this morning.

I was at the petrol pump and a bloke came out of the shop opposite, had a look around as he was undoing his pants. It was pouring with rain, so, what did he do? He made for the only thing under cover out of the rain...the bit where you park your shopping trolley... Had a piss and then went back inside the shop. I actually find that really offensive considering all those shopping trolleys will now be dragged around the shop by unsuspecting shoppers.

Is this a social/macho thing? Does anyone else find this offensive?

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Thank you Bob T.  What are you doing here, noone is obliging you to stay and please stop generalising Frenchmen, this and Frenchmen that.  It's getting quite nauseating.


[/quote]??? I didn't see a single use of Frenchmen in Bob T's post. Have I missed something.
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We went to the first big boat festival in Brest 1992? Got there a few days early and it was lovely. Then we went on the proper opening day and during the evening there was a constantly rows of men urinating along the any wall available. Not suprising as the queues for the toilets were long.

It was hot and I would rather not imagine the stench the following day, but we were off to new pastures for the rest of our holiday. Not being people who like crowds much.

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... and it isn't just the men.

I was exiting Decathalon, a bus pulled into the car park the 'lady' bus driver got out dropped her pants, squatted and did what comes naturally.

People just walked nonchalantly by...
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A question to all chaps (nationality unimportant) - why must you all pee against something?  I can understand a dog marking its territory by widdling up a lamp-post but why must men do this?  Last year we were camped by a lighting stantion and it was like a bloomin' magnet for all blokes - many of them Brits, as well as the locals.  What's that about then?

Have just pitched the tent for this year - not a lamp-post in sight than goodness.  The stench became almost unbearable by the time we got to Sunday last year.[:@]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

A question to all chaps (nationality unimportant) - why must you all pee against something?  I can understand a dog marking its territory by widdling up a lamp-post but why must men do this?  Last year we were camped by a lighting stantion and it was like a bloomin' magnet for all blokes - many of them Brits, as well as the locals.  What's that about then?

Have just pitched the tent for this year - not a lamp-post in sight than goodness.  The stench became almost unbearable by the time we got to Sunday last year.[:@]


The direction of a urinary discharge towards an approximately vertical service at an acute downward angle will allow the fluid to course down the adjacent surface without splashing.

This is particularly important when wearing thongs or flip-flops with no protection from the wind afforded by the aforementioned approximately vertical surface.

Perfectly adequate medicated creams are available for athletes feet and verrucas.

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Gentlemen aim at something because they can and because having an object in the line of fire ensures that the wind speed can be taken out of the equation. Aiming into the wind is obviously not a good idea. There is of course the secondary advantage of forming a screen from the most head on view.
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Not something I like, but I am in France and have to accept the national habits.

Apart from killing a few weeds I expect their excuse is that there is nowhere to go. Fr public toilets are few and far between and are mainly pretty disgusting.

Saw a bloke recently ā€˜washingā€™ a lamppost whilst walking along with my granddaughter, if he had turned around during his relief, could I make a citizens arrest for public flashing? I just wish he had gone another 300 meters and peed on my electrified fence.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]This is what happens in the UK if you pee in public


That will do the tourist trade and Anglo-French relationships a lot of good.

They say you cannot beat the British bobby and there is plenty of beating coming from this one.
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Thank you for that link Boiling a Frog, very enlightening.

'Local residents, alerted to something going on by the sounds of distress, looked out and saw what was going on.

'They will say variously that they saw a young man on the floor, curled or in the foetal position on the ground, receiving punches to the head, face and upper body, the chest, from someone they thought at first was a mugger but in fact realised was a uniformed police officer.'

None said they saw Mr Quichaud struggling or reacting, he added.

'Some were sufficiently moved to shout out at the police officer and go down where they remonstrated with the defendant.'

Dripping with blood, Mr Quichaud was handcuffed, arrested for urinating in a public place and taken to hospital in an ambulance, accompanied by Caulfield, the court heard.'


If that is what you prefer, there is no further comment.


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I have no problem with it if there are no toilets nearby.

I remember going to a wedding once and the guests were arriving for the reception. There was a line at the back of the car park of about half a dozen blokes about 6 metres apart having a pee. The crazy thing was that there was toilets inside the building, so why they couldn't do it there, I don't know.

Maybe the French like to air it.

As for peeing up against something, apart from what's already been mentioned, it's also fun to make drawings using your jet.
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Opposite my house in France is a rather old house.

Occasionally, members of the extended family gather for parties, reunions and such. I have observed, on these occasions, a steady flow of men who leave the house, relieve themselves against a wall or a tree, and then go back inside.

Presumably there is only a single wc in the house and this is reserved for women. A form of Gallic chivalry, perhaps?

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A French friend of mine went to London for 3 days to attend a France exhibition. In the evening he went to a pub to sample some English beer. On the way back to the hotel he realised that he needed to take a leak, but the public toilets were locked due to drugies and vandals. No problem he thought, just use the nearest fence. It was then that he noticed that the whole area was covered with CCTV cameras.

I told him afterwards that this situation is a normal revenue collection ploy by UK councils. Stop people using the public toilets and then fine them for doing the most natural thing in the world.

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Well we have had lots of discussion but no sensible reply to the original question. Why in public and why when there is a perfectly good toilet in the vicinity !

We are taking 18 french motor homes from our club to Scotland for September and they are under pain of death to pee in public. They don't speak english and I am not appearing in court with them to explain why they had to expose themselves when they have a perfectly adequate toilet in their motor home !
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So ok the bloke goes to the toilet to piss, then what? Leaving yellow piss in the toilet isn't nice for the next person, so pull the chain? What an waste of water. I think the fact that water is always metered here has a lot to do with why blokes don't use flushing toilets to piss. And all the more antisocial when we have a drought.
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Gee that is the most pathetic reason I have heard ! The water to flush is too expensive or too scarce !! If the water is scarce then it sure won't wash away in the rain so more stink !!!

I once asked a french female friend what the french women do and she said wait ! So I said and men can't !! Not true. Women have more problems waiting than men !

Sorry it is simply exposure and it is illegal also in France but it is tolerated so our french friends tell us but not everywhere. Spent 10 days in Brittany never saw this practice once !
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