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Our neighbour's 2 month old Setter Anglaise...another Anglaise in the village then!


Our Penny the Springer, howling her delight at being in her favourite place...the water. R.I.P.

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[quote user="WJT"]

Five cats Twinkle! [:)] They are beautiful. JayJay, your little dog Boris is so cute, what is he?


Sorry for the late reply WJT, couldn't get online yesterday as the Commune verge cutter went through our phone line, yet again. FT were on the ball, thank goodness. Anyway to answer your question, Boris is a shih-tzu.[:D]

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Thanks WJT, I think we were extremely lucky to get the phone line fixed so quickly.

Bos fits his name, as he is a real Boris, but a bit pitiful looking.


What breed is your dog, he looked cute too, but you couldn't see his face. I wondered if he was a shih-tzu, but as you haven't said, obviously he's not. We have another but she's really poorly at the moment, so I'm reluctant about putting a pic of her. I don't think she'll be here for too much longer.[:'(]

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JayJay, I am so sorry to hear about your poorly dog. [:(] You must be worried sick, I do hope she gets better. Please keep us informed.

Linus is a Maltese he is very similar to a Shih-tzu. I just took this photo of him.


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Aw, Linus is a real cutie. [:D]

Thanks again, WJT. Suke's has a large tumour on her sternum, plus others elsewhere. At the mo, she still has some energy & can 'enjoy' life a bit, but there's the worst decision looming.[:'(] She's my baby so.............

Sorry chaps, anymore happy snaps of pets?

Here's one of my cousins shihty poo (shih-tzu X poodle!) Holly. Very apt for now I think!


Sorry it's a bit fuzzy, but I think the Xmas spirit was flowing![;-)]

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He is adorable!

Jayjay, I recently had to make that decision, the worst day in my life. He was a week short of just nine years old and was definitely my boy. It was also a very aggressive bone tumour that we didn't know about until he broke his leg. [:'(]

I don't know how old Suke is but I am sure you have given her a good life, she sounds a very lucky girl.  Sometimes the most kindest decisions are the hardest. At least she is happy at the moment and perhaps it is not something you will have to face soon, if at all. Enjoy her. Do keep us posted.

Oh yea, and try to keep that Xmas spirit flowing, there is less than three weeks left you know! [:)]

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He looks it! A bit like Bos, a little bear!

Poor you, sorry about your pooch. It's heartbreaking, I know. [:(] We will have to decide very very soon. She's 14 so a good age, but..........well.......it's really not easy. We won't let her suffer though! x

Right, Christmas spirit, I think I might just go & help myself to some. Come on pet owners, where are the pics of your babies?


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Mexican jumping dog  - her current record is a seven foot wall....I am single handedly keeping the Limousin fence manufacturing business afloat.


Mexican sleeping dog - has never jumped over anything

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A furry friend we borrow when his humans go on holiday - he loves the moors as much as we do.

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Our two barn cats came to live with us in September (thanks to Christine).....


Spooky & Cockle (named by their previous meal providers).




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Thanks Christine, Stuiver is a few years older now so bigger and broader - but... she's turned into an absolute softy with the kittens, she just can't understand WHY they want to rub themselves along her nose when all she wants to do is sniff their bums!  (We're more shocked that she doesn't see them as something to chase any longer!!!)   The kits were in for the op. a couple of weeks ago and 12 hrs later bounded back into the barn and up onto to their feeding table for supper - they are tough little cats, so all is well with them.

Shamefully, we've advanced from the silk pillow [:$].... we fitted a cat flap in one of the barn doors to allow them access to outdoors and vice versa.  If that wasn't embarrasing enough, I realised that the neighbouring cats were coming in and eating any leftover food, so we upgraded to a 'magnetic' cat flap, so our two (won't be pets [;-)] ) cats are now sporting a couple of magnetic 'pass' collars. 


(and yes, Santa has already arranged their Christmas presents [:$] )

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