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I'd love to hear all your worst/funniest/dirtiest/most bizarre guest stories! Can all you gite owners share and give us all a laugh?

I was cleaning gites for a friend last year and had a Most Embarrassed Guest moment when (we thought the property was empty after all it was long past "gettig out time")I went in to clean the bathroom and a VERY large naked lady was exiting from the shower bum-first. I don't know who's face was the reddest.

The rudest guests were those who arrived 5 hours before "letting in" time and refused to go away. They walked back and forth with their luggage all over the floors that we were in the process of mopping, pushed past us to put food in the fridge WHILE we were in the process of cleaning it, and treated us like dirt. We felt we could not be rude as the gite belonged to friends who were desperate for business.

The dirtiest guests were the ones who left what looked like a weeks dirty washing up in the sink, scummy bath, used condoms in the beds, a fat-coated cooker, overflowing rubbish bins and toilets which had to be seen to be believed.

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Mine were the househunters who didn't like the french countryside, sat in their shorts and teeshirts in the rain complaining they were cold. Criticised the finish of my old farm house - done traditional dordogne style, told me I should seal the walls so I didnt get any brick dust. I told them the walls were cob and needed to breathe and that it would fall down if they were sealed.

Also I left them a basket of fresh vegetables from my garden and they did not know what to do with the broad beans - oops I had left them in their shells and hadn't frozen them in a packet!!

Carole S (16)
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Does anybody else have guests who insist on keeping their watches on English time throughout a fortnight's holiday?(apparently she suffers from jet lag!)

When we invited them for dinner at 8pm, she asked 'would that be 8pm English time, or 8pm French???


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  • 1 month later...
well, we have had some really really nice guests this year both househunters and holiday makers, but boy have we had some clunkers too! It is sad as the awful ones are almost enough to make you question whether you really want to share your home with holidaymakers any longer!
We unfortunately had two lots at once who NEVER went anywhere at all! Why come to France when all you want to do for two weeks is sit round a pool? Why not choose Benidorm? They moaned about the weather (were we responsible?), had a drunken party till 2am one morning that kept my teenagers awake (!!!) - I thought teenagers did that sort of thing? They obviously agreed with rules for pools etc but thought they could not possibly apply to them. One of them crammed an enormous bum into a brand new highchair and broke it (picture that) and they left the place in a state - not quite as bad as the ones you quote but getting there. I do have a clause written into my conditions stating that I can deduct from the security deposit for excess time spent cleaning, and believe me, I did. And I enjoyed it too. I also got my own back by sending the remaining security deposit back in euros (as it costs me 27 every time I have to pay in a sterling cheque) - hopefully they had to pay the equivalent in pounds to pay it in in the UK. Revenge was sweet.
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