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E111 for visiting UK


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Just to remind those of you that are resident in France with french health cover, you DO NEED a current E111 for visiting the UK and other european countries as you are not entitled to free healthcare unless in an emergency. Just phone your caisse/Mutuelle and they will oblige within 2 days. They are also only for the period stated for the visit, not forever.
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Another anomalie here, our CPAM always insist that they don't need to issue an E111 for the UK. We always apply each year anyway as it is rare that we don't do a mini european tour when we head north, but so far the UK has never been marked on our E111's.

As usual this is surely down to each 'caisse' putting it's own intrepretation on the 'texte'.
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LAST EDITED ON 20-Feb-03 AT 08:55 PM (GMT)

The E111's we got last summer and are valid until July 2003, have not got any countries marked on them. It was not so long ago that the countries to be visited were clearly marked. Instead they had sent me the following form with our E111:

Annexe au Formulaire E111, Communaut Economique Europenne, L'Accs aux Soins de Sant Chez Nos Partenaires.
This is form number :- Juin 2001 - UNANSS - Rf E 111 NOT

Under the heading Grande-Bretagne et Irlande- du -Nord (Royaume Uni):

Le formulaire E111 n'est pas requis pour avoir accs aux prestations de sant. Les soins dispenss par les mdecins ou etablissements hospitaliers agissant dans le cadre du Service National de Sant (National Health Service) en Grande-Bretagne, ou du Service de Sant (Health Service) en Irlande du Nord, sont gratuits.

Les frais mdicaux engags en dehors de ce rseau santitaire seront votre charge.

- Produits pharmaceutiques - une participation fixe, non remboursable, est regler.
- Soins dentaires: les dentistes ne sont pas enus d'excercer sous le rgime du Service de Sant. Dans ce cas vous devez supporter le paiement des honoraires.

I would recommend getting one anyway. They now last a year and if you decide to drop into another EU country you will be covered, and you should have them in other EU countries. Simply for the UK and they are, as is stated, unecessary.
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