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Lost cat in Mainzac Dept 16


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My handsome boy, Léon is missing for nearly 14 days now. I have hand reared him since my friends found him injured in a field, he was then about 2 weeks old.

He is 1 year old and neutered, Grey and white with the most gorgeous blue eyes. He looks as if whiskers have been painted on his face. His tail was broken when he was found, but vet decided not to amputate it. Now when Léon puts his tail up, there is a slight bend in it, leaning forward. The tail is grey with darker grey rings around it. He is micro-chipped but not wearing a collar. I am not keen about cats wearing collars as always frightened they will get caught. Perhaps I should think of this for the future.

Léon is possibly a Siamese/Tabby cross. Usually when I call his name or rattle his food tin, he appears. Just not like him to go off.
I know there are reasons why cats decide to leave home:

About a week before he disappeared we introduced our new Retriever into the family, she seems to get on well with the rest of the animals.

Around the same time of his disappearance I had a parcel delivered by DHL at Angoulême. I was not at home at the time, but my friend signed for the parcel and is definite the van was open when the man came for her to sign. My friend, who speaks better French than me, telephoned DHL at Champniers. The lady was not too helpful or interested, but with the insistence of my friend, explaining it was possible Léon jumped into the van without being noticed, the lady phoned back to say the delivery man did not see a cat and we were his last delivery before he returned to the depot. May be Léon jumped out with him realising. May be just dumped out!!

Our house is very isolated, we have one neighbour who is renovating, he only comes here about 4 times a year. No main roads nearby.

There is a public chemin nearby our house. Because of location and being surrounded by trees the house is not seen from the chemin. Perhaps someone out walking etc. saw Léon and thought he was lost, a stray, or abandoned because no sign of life next door, or just liked the look of him, and have taken him.

Another thought is that foxes have got him. I have seen them about.

I have been calling for him ever since his disappearance. Been round to all the locals and asked. Spoke to someone from the Chasse – no cages put out and local Chasse starts tomorrow. Checked outbuildings, been around the chemin, searched everywhere around our home. Check areas where our dogs sniff about. Been to vet’s and been in touch with some animal centres. I have travelled all along roads including from Mainzac to Angouleme.

Have posters made up, I’ve run out of paper, get some this afternoon. Tomorrow I will spend the day going round hamlets etc distributing the posters. I will go to shops, boulangeries, Mairies, gendarmerie and anywhere else I can think of. Charente Libre also. I am offering a reward.

Sorry if this is long – winded, but trying to give as much info as possible.

I’m sure the locals think I‘m nuts, but I don’t care!

We have another 15 cats + one I am looking after for a friend. Most of them were abandoned (see old post re animals found in plastic bag), and some were going to be put down. Have even taken a cat belonging to French locals to have her neutered (we payed for the operation), after she had 3 kittens, I took them in as well.

I am at my wit’s end with worry about Léon. It’s the not knowing that is stressing me out. So any other ideas welcomed. If someone would like a copy of the French poster to put up in their local vicinity I will be only too glad to email it.

Thanks for reading.

Photo does not do him justice but the only one we have.

We are in Mainzac, Dept 16, nearest town is Montbron.

Hoping and praying he turns up.

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I am so sorry to hear that your cat, Leon, has gone missing.  I am

afraid that I am not close enough to be of any help but I can tell how

much you love him from your post and my heart goes out to you.  I know

how I would feel if one of my dogs went missing and 14 days is a long

time, even for an independent cat.  I do pray that he turns up, well

and unharmed.   Good luck.
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Thank you for your reply Anne.

I had to take some of my other cats to the vets yesterday for their vaccinations. I came across Léon’s passport etc and noticed I could not find his ‘carte d’identiication’ – chip number.


When I got to the vet’s I asked to check on their computers if he was chipped and turns out, horror of all horrors, he has not been. God, I can’t believe I overlooked this, for whatever reason, I just can’t think.


Out of all our 16 cats, he is the only not to be chipped, and sod’s law, he is the one to go missing!


Does anyone have the names or addresses etc of refuge centres where I can check to see if he is in one?.


I am worried he might be put down if owner not found.


Thanks again for all you help.


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