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Breath testers mandatory in all vehicles from Spring?


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[quote user="Pickles"]1) That carrying a breathalyser in a car should be mandatory

 2) That failure to produce one if requested during a controle should not be punishable by a fine.[/quote]What a load of rollocks !

How can something be mandatory yet carry no penalty for non compliance ?

Why they don't just forget the whole debacle I don't know, these sort of half arsed compromises only serve to make them look even more inept and indecisive than they do already.

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It was only annouced on 24th January that this was being abandoned, and now it's back again! How ridiculous.

Probably all those people who bought packs of testers (me!) have thrown them away (me!) and will have to buy new ones (not me, I'm not falling for it again!). It's just a moneyspinner for someone with connections!  I must go and take my anti-paranoia medication. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote user="sid"]It was only annouced on 24th January that this was being abandoned, and now it's back again! How ridiculous.

Probably all those people who bought packs of testers (me!) have thrown them away (me!) and will have to buy new ones (not me, I'm not falling for it again!). It's just a moneyspinner for someone with connections!  I must go and take my anti-paranoia medication. 

http://www.service-public.fr/actualites/002384.html  [/quote]

This relates to restoration of speed camera signs Sid?

What next, removal of restrictions on Speed cameras identified by Sat Nav's?


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On March 1st the breathalyser saga came to an official end. The government

has decided:

1. A breathalyzer is obligatory in all motor vehicles.

2. There is NO penalty or fine if you do not have one.

This is only the second law in France

where not following it carries no sanction; the other law is the obligation to

register to vote. 

Here is the official decree published on March 1st:


Presumably because the police are involved, it's a criminal

rather than civil issue. Will it be technically possible to gain a criminal

conviction as a result of not carrying a breathalyser while not actually being


I'm told by friends around the country that these tests are much more available, although I haven't looked for any myself.
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