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Help with a new car


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I don't imagine anyone can help directly, but you might be able to point me in the right direction...

New Renault Zoe ZE 110 bought (but not delivered) just before lockdown. Eventually got it from regional dealer rather than my local which is still closed.

I'm convinced when I drove it away from the dealer the dash was configured for English, but in messing around trying to see a way of changing the KPH to MPH (in the fond hope that one day we'll get to visit the UK again), I seem to have reset it to French. The UK Renault dealers are no help,(with either of these) neither is the (UK) Zoe owner's club...It's hardly a matter of life and death, but will continue to bug me. any ideas?

(I don't have to say that the owner's manual was written with the assumption that no Frenchman in their right mind would ever want to go to the UK - a view I find I'm aligning with more and more every time I turn on the news!)
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I have never had a sophisticated car, ever, and so I have no idea what you are on about.

What needs to be in english rather than french in a car in France?

So as I said, I am completely clueless, so please explain in very very simple terms what the difference is apart from kph or mph.

And then curiosity got the better of me, so here (live link):

GB75, take it that means page 75

Well, I ploughed through that, and it was what I thought it should be, menu and system settings and language.

The rest, well, you have well and truly put me off EVER getting a car that has all that.

I had not got a clue that there could be so much in a car, and for the life of me, do not understand why there is.

We were just saying the other day that we wished that Renault still did a simple R4 just with a more reliable motor etc, the rest would suit me just fine.

EDIT: I have looked for this in french but all I get is e- manuals. There are plenty of them in french.
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Here is a Zoe forum item from 2015 which includes instructions on how to make the change


Whether is works on new models isn't mentioned.

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Hi Pomme, I'd love to say that works, but that the old version of the car. Doesn't work for the 2020 one. (indeed there's every chance that trying variations on this was how I buggered up the dash in the first place!)

The multi media and - I suspect - the EMC have been revamped for the current version.

Thanks anyway...
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Yeah, all this refers to the multimedia screen, which does have some duties other than multimedia (like charging settings and time delay etc) but is not the main dashboard. I already have this part in English, but the dash seems to be entirely separate. It shows things like the charge, kms left, hand brake on, kw used, door open etc..

Also this link is to the 2015 Zoe handbook, the 2020 is quite a substantial revision so again different.

I would be surprised if there was different software for different territories: I'll bet selecting language is part of the pre-delivery routine. Need to see a real person in a real dealership: but that may be a couple of week off yet.

You can have your R4, Me? I'll take a cream-coloured R6 with tan upholstery and a front bench seat. That was the only other car I've bought new. I'm SO not a petrol-head, but I don't think I've ever loved anything more in my life!
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...also it was the only car I've ever had with a tan (well, light-coloured anyway) dashboard. The windscreen was so near vertical in those days, they could fit them without there being a problem with reflection. Impossible these days. It's any colour you like as long as it's black.

And another thing....

Why would a company like TomTom, seemingly full of intelligent people, sit around a table and say, "here's a really good idea: let's make the rear case of our GPS units which are going to be sat behind a pane of glass in the blazing sun out of nice BLACK plastic, and then watch them get too hot to touch let alone charge." Brains the size of a planet, and yet they seem never to have heard of the greenhouse effect!

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I have endless curiosity about this.

Living in the Creuse is mentioned below your name, so what is the autonomy of your new car. We have friends with an electric car, and they reckon that they get about 150 miles at most out of theirs, and never let it go down to the wire.

Quite a hike up to the channel from the Creuse, so how does that work out for long journeys? ie are there plenty of charging places and how long do they take.

You mentioned the dreaded touch screens. We, but especially my husband has a real problem with them, plays guitar and we suspect because the ends of his fingers are 'hard' that these things simply do not work for him. My problems are slightly different, but they don't seem to like me either, never mind getting toooooo hot.........yet a further case of more numpties at work!

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I'll happily keep you posted as we go along. The Zoe was bought as a replacement for a C1, basically for local pottering. We live in the top of the department so everywhere is about 30 kms to go shopping, or 100 or so to Chateauroux or Guret, or Limoges. It says it has 352kms range on it when @ 100%: I'm off to Limoges on Wednesday, I'll see how accurate that is!

We have a Peugeot 308 for the long voyages: which we'll hang on to. I'm less concerned about getting to the coast from La Creuse, than the lack of recharge sites once we get off the boat in Plymouth. (Actually, I think I'd need to do a bit more research about how to get to Roscoff first!) I really don't think EV's will be that viable until every Campanille (say) has points you can book with the room, or indeed every E.LeClerc or Carrefour has a line of recharge bornes as routinely as they have filling stations.

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Aire de la Baie de Somme has lots of Tesla charging points, but they don't fit other make of cars. Surely if governments want to encourage people to buy electric cars then the charging points should be universal.
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Still trying[:D]


instrument panel in miles

It is possible to switch to km/h.

From the multimedia display, select

"Menu", "System" the "Set units".

Confirm by selecting "End".

To return to the previous mode, repeat

the same operation"


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If using "miles" not "km" on a French car would that not confuse how often a sevice was due? Even more so if switching around and then back again...
I know that a friend with a UK car (in miles) ended up with service intervals in a muddle as garage (in France) put a note on the windscreen saying "next service at xxx km" but, of course the car was on miles so the service was somewhat late.

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Should make no difference.  The car system will show when the service is due using either km or miles.  The software will cater for that.

The example you quoted is when the car is in miles and the technician is in kilometres.  Soft head rather than software.[:D]

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As the car is just a computer with wheels on it probably stores distance travelled in km and the display is just an arithmetic conversion. So when the car is plugged in for a service the correct distance will show.

I had my car serviced in the UK and I had to tell them the reading was in km as they wanted to give it a full service as they assumed the figure was miles.
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Well you brought a wry smile to my face wooly.

When we bought our first RHD car after 27 years, on numerous occasions I got into the passenger seat when going to the car, and even pulled the bloody seat belt on too sometimes, looked in front of me, and no wheel!!!! I would then thirkle in the glove compartment, as if I had got into that side deliberately, I daresay, that few would have even imagined that I had got in on the wrong side WITH the intention of driving.

And then when I used a friends car, when back in France, did the same thing, getting in the LHD car's passenger seat.

Good thing that I do remember to drive on the correct side of the road, according to the country![:-))]

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There isn't a 'set units' anywhere in the system menu:

time/date, language, keyboard, and a lot of cosmeticy things like the light levels etc. I don't think we are comparing the same ver. software.

I'm convinced what I need is an 'under the bonnet' thing It's quite possible that these aren't even key combinations any more.

The search continues !

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I *did* manage to locate the steering wheel, but not before my right knee had 'located' the lever to raise/lower the steering column. My much shorter wife pulls the seat so far forward I think even our cocker spaniel could reach the pedals.

One night last year, my friend and fellow chorister was stopped by the Gendames, while travelling home in his Freelander. A Breathalyzer was insisted upon when he admitted that he had been drinking, and in all probability was well over the limit. However it's never a good idea to wind up police when they're armed, so before they made a complete a*se of themselves, his (French) wife switched on the interior light and leaned over and suggested that they'd be better employed brethalizing her. She was, after all, the one sitting behind the wheel of this French-registered right-hand drive vehicle!

She - designated driver - hadn't been drinking, of course
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isn't this just s o d's law.......... I have just been wrestling with our french banque compte, they have removed the method of transferring money......... it was there yesterday....... and the day before, tonight when everything was set up..........and like a magic trick, isn't there, disappeared. [:@][:@][:@]

This is our usual life...... if it can go wrong, it will go wrong.

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