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CIPAV - revenu net


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I have a microentreprise with a 'forfait' of 34% for expenses. On my appel des cotisations for CIPAV there is a section where I can request a reduction in cotisations if my 'net' annual professional income is less than 31,649 euros. Does anyone know whether this 'net' sum = just the amount received in income less the 34% forfait or income less other expenditure such as RAM (health), URSSAF etc or income less 34% forfait and also minus all the other expenditure such as RAM, URSSAF? I would ask CIPAV directly, but, as I'm sure anyone else who has dealt with them knows, it is no easy matter to get a response from them and I need to have the answer sooner rather than later. Thanks in advance.

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Sorry to question your understanding, but are you SURE this section applies to you?

31 649 euros is already pretty much the maximum turnover that you could have for a microentreprise as a profession libérale which is what you must be if you have this percentage abattement.  That wouldn't leave you a lot of room for manoeuvre!

Is there something else that you maybe haven't noticed?


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Hi Lisa

Thanks for taking the time to reply. You are right that we are talking about a profession libérale.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well. I was referring to the cotisation for the retraite complémentaire. If your revenus professionnels for 2008 are less than or equal to 5146 €, then you can apply for a 100% reduction, from 5147 to 21019 € a 75% reduction and so on. My question was simply what do CIPAV consider to be the net revenue figure? Is it just receipts less abattement or can you also deduct other compulsory cotisations such as RAM and URSSAF? You can see that if your revenue is close to one of the thresholds then it could make a considerable difference in the amount of cotisation you would have to pay. I hope this is clearer.



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