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Roof metal framing


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This summer's project is to frame out and line one of our attics. The timbers are decidedly 'rustique' and will want changing in ten years or so but we need living space quickly and this looks to be cheapest option.

I am looking for any good advice with regard to using metal framing to line / straighten the underside of the roof structure ..particularly how one uses the various clips and struts which seem to be available for the purpose.

Any pointers to good links, publications etc. would be very much appreciated.

While I am on...I have an old manual well pump..(I think the make is 'Tourane') I can't find any reference to the pump though any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation..


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Go to a grossiste or negoce materiaux and ask for the Placostil catalogue, its my bible!

There are pictures showing all the applications.

You will nminally need fourrures FX45 with suspentes articulés and tiges filletées, I dont have the catalogue to hand to be more precise, it may be on line.

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