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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. We are also an anglo-french family (mother English, father French) and our son has no accent in either language - except the regional accent of his parents! Yorkshire from me, South-West from my husband. A lovely mixture. Around the dinner table there is a mixture of languages depending on who is talking to whom. We have always done one parent = one language and our son rigidly does the same (speaking only French to daddy, only English to mummy, to the point where he will anglicise the pronunciation of French names etc for me and vice versa) and I make sure he has plenty of activities in English outside of school (I run www.bilingual.fr , an association to ensure bilingual children develop and retain literacy in English throughout their schooling). Victoria
  2. Hello, I am British and my husband is French, and with a group of Anglophone parents we have launched an association (see www.bilingual.fr ) in Lot-et-Garonne to give English literacy classes on a Wednesday to Anglophone children who are in French schools the rest of the week. We employ qualified British teachers and have classes from age 2-16. Do drop me a line if you'd like to know more. Victoria
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