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Posts posted by Yonner

  1. [quote user="cajal"]

    A combination of:-

    A slight rise in inflation prompting a possibility of a rise in interest rates.

    A rapid rollout of covid-19 vaccinations meaning lockdown will be lifted sooner rather than later with a resultant boost to the economy by releasing £100 billion of UK savings amassed due to covid.

    Chancellor's budget more positive with support and investment than the markets were expecting.

    Up and until today the $ has been rising and the £ has been trailing this rise.


    I agree with the points, but the £ has been rising since january well before the budget, and has also risen almost 20 cents against the dollar in the last 9 months, rather than training it. Its voodoo!!
  2. [quote user="BritinBretagne"]Full vaccines? Way ahead of Britain. Three pathetic examples of nothing. They’ve cost you a shed load of money are you happy?[/quote]

    So you ask for examples and when you get them they aren't good enough. Think I touched a nerve.

    Thing is, you've made a decision in the past to move to France, and as is normal when we make decisions, we look for affirmation of the decision to be correct, in this case, some of that relies on you belittling the UK. Its normal, we do the same when we buy a car, a coat, anything. Are you having that many doubts?

    Re vaccines, the Uk has chosen a different strategy to France, and the latest scientific evidence - including comments in support from WTO -suggest that was correct. Our infections and deaths are much improved. France??

    And could you provide a source for the data behind your assertion of how much its cost us?
  3. Here's a quick few off the top of my head for BinB....

    1, We'll be the first european country to ban live animal exports

    2 . VAT on female sanitary products eliminated, something the Maastricht treaty forbade.

    3 EURocrats won't be spending our taxes on vanity projects in eastern Europe so that western european manufacturers can move production there for cheaper labour and working rights.

    Oh, and how's your vaccine program going??
  4. I don't mean to be a party pooper, and would love to be proved wrong but....

    there is a lengthy thread on one of the expat facebook groups discussing this, and it seems its not straightforward. We bought a golf 8 years ago which we leave at a second home, and had no trouble getting a carte grise through visiting the prefecture.

    Now apparently you can only obtain a cg either by:

    a) buying a new car and letting the dealer handle the cg

    b) Using the online system( ANTS is it?) which would not be open to a UK resident because of info needed on the online form, (I seem to recall social security number or tax number was the issue) or

    c) using an agent, who will charge of course.

    As I say, happy to be shown as wrong, because it would suit our situation too if we ever needed to replace our car.
  5. They look interesting Mint thx, we'll take a shufftee later.

    We walked the SJPP to Santiago route a few years ago, and Le Puy to Cahors a couple of summers back.

    I think we did see the botanical gardens in Pamplona - do they have a false "river" with black swans on it?

    We have a three week window this year and thought Pamplona was a good stopping off point for trains/buses back home. That determined around Condom as a start, based on daily distance - Little did we know how tricky/costly it would be to get to Condom on public or hired transport, but its coming together.
  6. Hope someone can help.

    In september i'll be walking part of the Chemin, hopping on around Condom, and heading to Pamplona - about 3 weeks worth of the route.

    Getting down there in a hire car or train, and back by whatever means is proving a bit of a faff to say the least, so I just wondered.....

    Is there anyone on the forum who lives on or close to the route and has the space to allow me to leave my own car on their drive, securely, for the three weeks?

    I'll pay of course.

    If, in principle its possible, please pm me and we'll discuss.

    Thanks in advance tho'.
  7. They ( lib dems) were rude to the democratic will of the majority, but that's their right, free speech and all that.

    Re the Brexit party's actions, it seems like their logic is that having an anthem implies the EU see themselves a s a state, which annoys them. Its weak argument, I think, and it would have been more statesman like to just stand and listen.

  8. Another general lurker here, but occasional poster.

    Holiday home bought in 2005, had some marvellous times here since, and just spent 3 months, and one of the most enjoyable summers we've ever had, over here.

    Our experience is counter to ALBFs, but he's right about one thing; the house will always be a cost centre. But we knew that would be the case if we chose not to let it out.

    However the pleasure we get from being here and sharing it with English and French friends well out-weighs that cost.

    We have had nothing but kindness and been welcomed by our neighbours. Our French is passable, so that definitely helps, but some neighbours use us an means to teach their kids extra english at shared meals etc. And no complaints about our cooking so far.

    Maybe it is a rural rather than urban thing- the villagers are a tiny bit anti Parisian, but that may be just for humour. When a local place came on the market, the Maire came to see us to ask if we had any brit fiends who would be interested.

    We have no rose tinted specs, we know the system here sucks as much/little as in the UK, but its about choices, and this was ours. We have no regrets.
  9. Its a well argued set of points Andy ,and clarifies some points I hadn't considered, but....

    Ultimately my initial point still rests, the choices were made in light of rules and laws that were in place at the time. The benefits were judged to outlay the risks on that basis.

  10. I think the significant part of your answer is the first two words.

    And "Political party fails to keep election promise shock!!" Did labour/Lib dem ever raise it as an option? And pursue it?

    Personally I'm not sure I'm comfortable with a significant part of the voting age population ( is it 1.2million just living in Europe) being able to impact what goes on on my doorstep, to my family. I understand your desire to vote and generate influence - I feel the desire in France, where I can't vote - but I am not convinced its the correct option.

  11. We pruned some roses heavily last year, and OH, having seen on the web somewhere that the offcuts root easily, decided to just stick half a dozen pieces, about 15cm long into compost in a pot.

    Low and behold, this spring there are leaves growing on them. We've lifted one out of curiosity and there don't appear to be any roots to speak of, but the leaves are appearing.

    Moral of the story - if you like the rose, take a cutting or two before you bin it, and see what happens. You've nowt to lose!

  12. We enjoy it, as much for seeing different areas of France as for seeing what ideas the owners get, and how they go about completing them.

    I agree about the money pit thing though.

    Some of the owners you can't help but "root" for - the three 20-somethings for example - but others....you wonder how they haven't killed themselves already.

    Our place is nothing like on that scale, but I feel quite reassured about the way we've gone about doing stuff after seeing this.

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