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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I'm thinking of having a "vide-grenier" outside my bar, but I'm not sure how much I should be charging people who want to sell their things. I'm willing to supply a table and do all the advertising for this event, such as putting an advert in the paper...ect...... Anyone got any ideas please?
  2. Thank you so much for the link cooperlola, but I was thinking of a shop in town, maybe one of the big supermarkets ect......

    If I am unable to find a shop then I shall use the link that you provided. Thank you once again for your reply. Most kind.......
  3. Sad news about Jane Russell this morning. I thought she was a brilliant actress & singer.....

    One of my all time favourite films was "Gentlemen prefer blondes"

    R.I.P. Jane.......
  4. Thanks Pads! Definitely a good idea, well worth considering.....

    Frenchie - A lot of people have said cream. I was thinking of maybe a nice deep red to go with it....???

    I'm in the middle of working on web pages on my website for the restaurant....

    Thanks for your replys. Much appreciated!
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