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Everything posted by pachapapa

  1. [quote user="Renaud"]Would the French have been better off with Sergo? I don't think so.[/quote] Ségolene Royal.....not....Sergolene Royal. Did you watch Sarkolene on France 2 early this week; it was hilarious the best question was.. If you win the ballot which will be the first visit you will make....Answer Angela Merkel. If you win the ballot which will be the second visit you will make....Answer the Palestinians so I can convince them to live happily ever after with the jews, they have 3,000 years of joint history so they must be able to get along together. I really will miss the Jewish Midget he reminds me of Spike Milligan.
  2. [quote user="Hoddy"]Has William McGonagall joined the forum ? Hoddy[/quote] Not the faintest idea, never noticed him...but malcolm was co-opted recently.[I]
  3. [quote user="Chancer"] So what will we deduce from the survey when he is re-elected? That the French are the biggest raleurs in Europe? [/quote] They are...no doubt....even if PPP thinks he is a goat stuck...horns in a bush...whilst holidaying on mount ararat...with turkish dervishes. PPP is just a delusion, a figment of your imagination. malcolm has the "holy grail" in his "cache sexe".[;-)]
  4. [quote user="Richard51"][quote user="Braco"] [quote user="pachapapa"]superior civilisations have moved forward to humane methods of slaughter;[/quote] While I detest all religions and associated practices I do take issue with delusional inferior civilisations comments. [/quote] Totally agree Braco, that sort of racist comment is both unpleasant and unnecessary. Mrs R51 [/quote] I am astounded to learn that I have been classified by fellow forum members as belonging to a wider delusional group, apparently on the basis that I disbelieve that bovines are not inconvenienced by being strung up by their legs and having their throats ritually cut. A quick look at the wiki on the subject leaves me confused as to which delusional category I myelf fall under; obviously assistance required by better informed thread contributors, thankyou in advance. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delusion With your assistance I should be able to focus my attention on the specific pathological state afflicting me. Fortunately I have been able to localise two editions of Jaspers classical treatise locally at the University of Poitiers. http://www.worldcat.org/title/allgemeine-psychopathologie-ein-leitfaden-fur-studierende-arzte-und-psychologen/oclc/14792250  
  5. DSK visit to Cambridge widely covered in french press this morning. http://www.leparisien.fr/dsk-la-chute/audio-les-etudiants-anti-dsk-se-mobilisent-a-cambridge-09-03-2012-1897190.php
  6. [quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="pachapapa"]3P [/quote]Weren't you in Star Wars? [/quote] No!     P PP The Good Bad & Ugly.
  7. An interesting poll conducted in right of center EU countries show that Sarko is the most unpopular leader. Curiously Angela Merkel tops the list for popularity. In dissonance with the UMP explanation that his unpopularity is due to his courage in the jaws of adversity and comparable to his Interior Minister grabbing the hot potato of the correct packaging for ritually slaughtered meat; delusional. http://www.20minutes.fr/monde/894881-president-sarkozy-moins-populaire-dirigeants-europeens
  8. [quote user="NickP"] [quote user="Patf"]It's time the man got his brain back in gear in his intellect instead of letting  the lower parts of his body take over.[;-)] However disgusting his recent behaviour, he must have had some other skills that have gone to waste, to get to his previous status. [/quote] I think it's a bit unfair talking about 3P (Malcolm ) like that Pat. [:D] [/quote] [:P]  
  9. [quote user="Braco"] [quote user="pachapapa"]Completely agree with Fillon; superior civilisations have moved forward to humane methods of slaughter; it is quite obvious that the barbaric methods associated with the words kosher & halal should be banned. A morally disgusting accoutrement of inferior civilisations.[/quote] While I detest all religions and associated practices I do take issue with delusional inferior civilisations comments.   Lets list just a few things that prove our superiority.   The Daly Star and Jordan’s latest exploits.   Moronic soap operas that have lasted decades and will probably last for centuries.   Drug dependency level.   Sink estates full of welfare dependents.   And finally a political class that can whip up the ignorant with just a wave of a flag.   [/quote] The forensic rhetoric of my post which takes advantage of recent statements by Claude Guéant and François Fillon, interior minister and premier respectively, of the present government is pertinent to the current 2012 Presidential Campaign. The trenchant manner that I have used to accentuate the "amalgam" of ritual slaughter and comparative civilisations is a reflection particularly of Claude Guéant rather than François Fillon. That said, I am at a complete loss at your list of pseudo-values for a neighbouring anglo-saxon civilisation which apparently are a veritable indisputable answer to current political opinion within the higher echelons of the french government. But of one thing I am sure any french écolier would be in complete agreement with you. As for me I am in agreement with Fillon, rhetorically, to be pedantic and repeat the initial phrase of my post. Malcolm.  
  10. Difficult one but a place where technicians and engineers design and develop a project. One architect with scale and a drawingboard to a group designing AB 400s in toulouse.
  11. [quote user="Salty Sam"] You might be interested to learn more about ITV HD from one of your favourite sources; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITV1_HD Yes 1080i, just as you'll find on the other HD channels. [/quote] It was a subtle note of the lack of 1080p rather than the presence of 1080i. But thanks for the link I 'd be lost without wikipaedia and the wikithesaurus is also useful when one is demuxed for a word. The available channels are rather limited; HD: Freesat is currently offering five HD channels, BBC One HD, BBC HD, ITV 1 HD, Channel 4 HD and HNK World HD so unlikely to rush at installing the dish motor sitting in the barn. On my TV with a satellite tuner HNK is referred to as NHK.[:D]
  12. Is there a live feed on the net friday night? http://www.lemonde.fr/voyage/article/2012/03/07/good-gracious-dsk-cree-de-l-emoi-a-cambridge_1653231_3546.html http://videos.tf1.fr/infos/2012/dsk-a-cambridge-les-etudiantes-en-coleres-invitent-l-avocat-de-7044624.html http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2012/03/07/01016-20120307ARTFIG00706-banon-choquee-que-dsk-professe-a-cambridge.php
  13. [;-)] http://assistance.orange.fr/vos-questions-sur-la-fin-du-minitel-4872.php
  14. I am absolutely disgusted at the coven of hairy, ugly hags that are trying to interfere with the appearance of DSK at the Cambridge Union on friday evening, the 9th of march. So much for free speech then in England.
  15. Orange will terminate minitel support onat the end of june. Orange have indicated that Minitel Roses will be accepted for recycling. http://www.pcinpact.com/news/69428-minitel-coupure-30-juin-2012.htm
  16. And PIP silicone implants dont fit in F1 c@ckpits , hence lack of alonsitas in ... [IMG]http://estaticos.20minutos.es/img2/recortes/2011/10/19/35312-944-550.jpg?v=20120307174059[/IMG] http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1331405/0/maria-de-villota/probadora/marussia/
  17. [quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Pickles"][quote user="cooperlola"]Thanks all.  3 years sounds about right then. [:)][/quote] I'd be careful when purchasing: some sites selling these say that theirs last 18 months/2 years. [/quote]Thanks - I will post that advice also.[:)][/quote] Economise on unit price buy a palette. http://www.distrisoins.fr/shop/6/ethylotest/categories_products.php?gclid=CKD76YTl1a4CFSEntAodqV13dw
  18. [quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"] [quote user="pachapapa"] Free to Air in MPEG2.[/quote] please forgive my ignorance, but what does that mean? It's on ITV1 HD, is that MPEG2 as well?   [/quote] DVBS-2 MPEG4  but probably 720P at best YUK TV rarely even 1080i
  19. Bit one sided! Messi gets 5 goals; the first time in the history of the Champions League.
  20. Game live on satellite Astra 1 channel SAT 1.   Free to Air in MPEG2.
  21. Well the CRIF Fillon meeting was "huis clos" and Q will have eaten his rice paper "courriel" so I will never know as to what went on. The non-casher lot get their turn on thursday.[:)]
  22. [quote user="Quillan"][quote user="pachapapa"] I am never too sure if PPP is repeating some of the things he writes, are his personal views or whatever but just in case I would like to point out that there have been 189 Jewish recipients of the Nobel Prize since 1901 and France has only produced 64 with a few of them being Jewish. To imply that the Jewish faith as a civilisation is inferior is in my opinion bigoted and insulting be it PPP's words or of somebody he is quoting. PPP has problems resolving the import of your prose with a humble patent clerk enrolling at IAS, Princeton. [/quote] You could try to stop using a thesaurus and write in plain English. That way there could be no misunderstanding as to your meaning or intent. [/quote] I have difficulty in relating what you have written to the work of Einstein whose first job was a patent clerk, later studying at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton University in the State of New Jersey in the United States of America. Einstein remained at the Institute of Advanced Studies from 1933 until his death. It is my opinion that the contribution of Einstein to mankinds' knowledge was due to his own intellect and not to his religious persuasion.
  23. I am never too sure if PPP is repeating some of the things he writes, are his personal views or whatever but just in case I would like to point out that there have been 189 Jewish recipients of the Nobel Prize since 1901 and France has only produced 64 with a few of them being Jewish. To imply that the Jewish faith as a civilisation is inferior is in my opinion bigoted and insulting be it PPP's words or of somebody he is quoting. PPP has problems resolving the import of your prose with a humble patent clerk enrolling at IAS, Princeton.
  24. For Men![:-))] As EU Court decision then I presume also applicable to sarkoland. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/motorinsurance/9128151/Womens-car-insurance-to-cost-360-more-thanks-to-new-EU-ruling.html
  25. And now the ANFR gets in on the pantomime. http://www.pcinpact.com/news/69410-couverture-free-mobile-anfr-arcep.htm
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