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Posts posted by Dave

  1. If you get the message 'needs more sources' right click the file and select 'find more sources' if the list on the left shows the track as being from a certain 'album' highlight the 'album' right click and select 'search for album' also make sure that you are actually 'sharing' something as some people will not share with you if you do not!

    best regards


  2. [quote user="Dick Smith"]At the risk of getting my head bitten off - nice image. Did you use fill-in flash on the foreground and then lift the sunset?


    Totally by accident, taken with my first point & shoot digital camera when I still did not know how to turn off the flash!

    best regards


  3. My 'problem' Dick is that yourself and Cooperlola took it upon yourselves to pull me up over my spelling, I remember it well from school when some of the brighter kids would taunt the slower ones, nowadays it is recognised as bullying. I do not remember reading anywhere that you said that I take a good photograph? I will continue to post my pictures because they bring me happiness and if I don't get spelling right in any of my posts then fine..I try to do my best, for some people doing your best is never enough.

    Enjoy the day

    best regards


  4. [quote user="cooperlola"]No, photography tips, I meant we've moved this discussion eslewhere as we take your point, that's all.  Sorry if I put it poorly - as you see, I can't spel either.[/quote]

    'We' take the point, is that the Royal we, have 'We' taken over this section now then?

  5. It has come to the attention of the mangement that too much is coming to the attention of the management therfor it must stop and all senior moderators are are to report anymore infringments of the rules/bylaws or apostrophe misuasge? to someone else because the management have had enough and are taking their servers to Bulgaria where they are led to believe it is possible to swap them for a village or two....

    best regards


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