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Everything posted by Mooby

  1. Thankyou! I wish you all the best of fortune too. I can tell you know what i mean. Best wishes, Anna :)
  2. Its also interesting to add that one of my websites has just been viewed by someone from Moulineaux after looking me up. Interesting! I have a site meter stat counter that gives me the details of who has visited one of my sites.
  3. Taken from my diary 2006 Perception is reality. I am constantly reminded that the feeling of comonality that most of us humans share, is in fact a joint and agreed illusion. Of course being similar in genetics and motive of survival, (and the basic fact that our brains are all built the same familiar way), its understandable that we share similar points of view. The one thing that stands us all apart from each other is or perception of our own world. Who we are right now and how we got here, where were going and how much time do we have left. When we are quiet and in our own space, these are questions that we ask ourselves. If we admit this to ourselves or not, we still go through the same process of reviews and checks, just to see how we are doing. In this process, something subtle occurs. its almost as if we are not aware of the rules under which we operate on a daily basis. Many times often than not, we never realise that  those rules are self imposed. So we continue.......and ask the same questions of ourselves again and again.  But every once in a while, we change a question or two. The emphasis from familiar cycles in our self governing shifts.....and almost magically, we understand something more about our lives. Answers appear, and deadlocks weaken. Deeper is our sleep that night and brighter is our day when we wake. ...........In my eyes, this is the change in our perception, and with it a change in our reality. We have so much more power than we give ourselves credit for, and we are indeed masters and mistresses or our own ongoing  story. As movie taglines, and lowbrow novels extoll, with that power, comes responsibility. For perception is reality and we must use it wisely Anna :)
  4. Mel,  Thanks for that. Yes i am aware of that principle..... i was 30 only 5 mins ago. You have to bear in mind that like alot of people in your age group i do have a lot of gratitude for my life. Im really not going to go into details here but believe when when i say that im actualy lucky to have made it this far. The last 20 years have been a long and slow struggle. The fact that i have built a business at the same time is no mean feat. I shouldnt really be here, and that my wise friend is what focuses my mind. The curious thing is you see, that in my experience, age does not ensure wisdom. Life experience does. Even at the tender age of 40, i have lived through enough struggle and pain for 2 lifetimes. I kid you not. Thats why my freinds are usually older than me, because they can understand where im coming from. People my age usually only have a slight inkling of what real struggle is. Whilst they were busy having lots of fun, i was busy surviving. I wrote something a few years ago when i finally started to break through things and turn my life around. I would like to share it with you. Its a bit long but please read it. It really contains my outlook on life. I will post it below. Lub, Anna :)
  5. Thanks cooperlola, Good advice too! I see what you mean about asking on this forum. The thing is, i was only asking about the demographic of people and what my chances were. I wasnt in need of life advice as i have been a guidance councilor in my spare time for over 10 years now, so im a fairly together person. I welcome pearls of wisdom from anyone. Goodness knows we all need it. I just find it funny. My best friend here in the uk is 55 years old, so im certainly not ageist. On the contrary, im quite mature in my attitude so i like speaking to older people. Like most however, i like a good mix of people in my life. As we all know, different issues affect different age groups. Anyway, thanks to everyone for filling me in. I think i have enough information to mull over for a while. Lub, Anna :)
  6. LOL You made me laugh so much with that! Thanks, its what i suspected all along. I did spend 2 months there last year and didnt see many younger people around. I wanted to check that it wasnt just me! Thankyou so much! Anna :)
  7. Hi, Im sorry too as i dont mean any offence. I have always respected my elders and im the kind of woman that has only ever learned anything from asking someone with more experience than me. Also im a teetotal drinker (im allergic to alcohol), so my idea of fun is not partying  the night away. Its a sit down and have a bloody good discussion with people who can hold a conversation. So i dont head for the 'in' places. I like to be around decent people with a sense of humour (and maybe a touch of wistful malaise!). The reality is though, as im sure you may remember (seeing as its not that long ago) that at 40 especially if you are single, your decisions at this age can determine the next 10-20 years. So i am doing my homework so i can avoid having to extract myself from a situation that may be unpalatable 10 years down the line. I.E not really finding the life i envisage and moving back to the uk at 50 and still being single. Having been on my own for 7 years its now time to settle a bit. So you can see the need for all the questions. My maxim for many years has been "If you dont decide your own destiny or future, someone or something else will do it for you." Along with the old chesnut "Failing to plan, is planning to fail". Although my all time favourite is from a 12th century japanese monk who said. "The longer you stay in the toilet, the less you notice the smell" !! Not relevent but funny!! Thanks again Sweet17, I really didnt mean any offence, you sound like a lovely person. Anna :)
  8. Dear sweet 17, You misunderstand my question. Thanks for the advice but it doesnt really apply to me. Im a professional designer and i run my own business (you will see my work on tv everyday). I am a well adjusted person who is incredibly sociable and at ease. The problem with spending too much time with older people is that they feel this overwhelming compulsion to give you advice when you dont ask for it or need it. It feels a bit condescending to be honest. Especially when i am a self made success, and have been through a huge amount of life experience for my age. People keep saying i should write a book about my life (at 40!). All i wish to do is to know that if i move to france i will not be continually humored by the older generations and have some kind of connection whith thoseof my age group ( that dont think they should act like my parents). If i was 17 this would all be rather petulant, but at 40 its just tiring. Thanks anway though s i know you are well meaning. and on these words 'So........Mooby, enjoy, relax, grow old gracefully or disgracefully in your own way.'.... Too late as i fear my place in heaven is slipping to a million in one chance!
  9. Hi, Thanks for both of you for that. unfortunately it doesnt cover the area i want to live in. Im sure if i wasnt single im sure it would be a different matter! I have been searching for a while now for different organisations and groups and the Vienne seems to be a bit of a quiet area. Oh well, any other help is very welcome! I would also like to add that in no way would i want to offend those older than me. Some of the people i have met though my parents are absolutely wonderful. Its just that you do feel like piggy in the middle at gatherings when youre the youngest and single. A sort of generational gooseberry if you like :) Lub, Anna :)
  10. Hi everyone, I have a question for anyone that may be able to help. My parents live in Montmorillon and i want to come and stay for the year. Im a designer and i work for myself so earning a living is no problem. I love the area and how relaxing it is and would love to try to make a life there. The problem is im 40 and single and worried that i wont be able to find younger people to mix with. I have freinds from all age groups but i would love to find people a bit nearer to my age. So does anyone have any advice? Im in Montmorillon next month for a few weeks visiting, and i will be deciding then if i will make the stay more permanent. Thanks, Anna
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