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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. 8 hours ago, Gardian said:

    Looking back on this thread, there’s two things that I’d like to expand on :

    First (and as a UK positive), the range of ‘prepared meals’ which are available in the UK. We were visiting friends when we were over there and they’re hardly up to cooking for themselves, let alone for guests.  So we brought the food from M & S and excellent it was too. It took barely half an hour to cook and was voted a big hit, almost as if we’d cooked it from scratch.

    Second (and as a UK negative), the roadside ‘debris’ that you see just about everywhere.  It’s not the first time that we’ve noticed it, but it just seemed worse than ever.  France may not be perfect, but certainly you don’t see what I’m alluding to around here.  In the UK, it seemed to be worse than ever.  How much of that can be blamed on the local authorities for not getting their people to deal with it, I simply don’t know.  More (much, much more) the ‘droppers’ I suspect.

    Thanks for the clarification Gardian. Now I understand what you meant about the  range of  food in Supermarkets.


  2. 9 hours ago, ssomon said:

    Returning to the topic, I think that veggies are sadly missing from most offerings, at least around here, apart from frites or pâte

    The closest we've been given recently was a spoonful or so of pale green mush, presumably of vegetable origin, at a well-know restaurant on the main road near Castelnaudary.


    Screenshot from 2024-01-20 08-05-37.png

  3. I haven't been there for about 15 years so I can't comment on what you  saw, but in any case I I don't buy food in supermarkets, but in the excellent specialist shops in the indoor market where the stall holders  chat to you and give advice ; and as you can see from another thread  I have a choice of  really good restaurants.

    Perhaps it depends on whether you are comparing similar places?  I suspect that  many here live in  small towns or villages where those thing  are not so easily available.

  4. I have just received this from county council where I was last registered to vote:


    Your vote matters. Don’t lose it.
    I’m writing to let you know that your recent application to be added to the electoral register has
    been successful. You are on the register as an overseas voter.

    You will be added to the register on 01 March 2024 unless there is an election called before then,
    in which case you will be added to the register in time to be able to vote at that election. Currently,
    your vote method is registered as: in person. As you are an Overseas elector, we suggest that you
    make arrangements to vote by post or proxy.
    If you have supplied us with your previous address and informed us that you are no longer
    resident there for electoral purposes, your entry on the electoral register for that address will be
    Your registration as an Overseas Elector expires on the 28 February 2025.
    Overseas declarations must be renewed every twelve months. You should let us know if you do
    not intend to be resident at this address, or if you move house.

  5. I have always disliked this, since I have had one of my cancers return after two years, and then metastases on the liver 5 years later from the same one. The other cancer has remained in remission but one knows that nothing is certain, so this empty celebration is more wishful thinking than anything else.

  6. 1 hour ago, Riggers said:

    I got a three course meal in a French Restaurant in Liverpool for£19.99 last week and it was excellent My three course Christmas lunch in an Italian was £25.99 still okay like everywhere there’s good and bad The prices are going up here though 

    Here is the 19.50€ menu from one of my haunts..


  7. 13 hours ago, DaveLister said:

    Very nice Norman, and strikingly similar to the board outside a restaurant I know in a local town that has a reputation for serving 'real French food'. Fortunately few of it's clientele are up at 6:30 when the Brakes van delivers.

    In that  Café  the kitchen is open to view and you can speak  to Sandrine as she is cooking. I am sure it is home cooked food.

    Don't assume that Brakes and other suppliers delivering means that they are serving meals completely pre-prepared by those firms, although that  is a possibility. Sometimes the restaurateur is buying in ingredients or things such as Ice-cream https://www.krill.fr/trouver-votre-distributeur/sobraques-distribution/


  8. 12 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Where are prices please ?

    Not much on the menu for a 80% vegetarian like me.



    12 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Where are prices please ?

    Not much on the menu for a 80% vegetarian like me.


    15€... each day there is just the one dish.  My point is that it shows  Traditional French FOOD


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