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Posts posted by Belle

  1. A few years ago, I met an English lady, during our conversation, speaking french came up, I told her that we would be retiring here very shortly and that I was doing all I could to learn the language, evening classes, tapes and books, as she was listening to this, she kept shaking her head, when I asked the reason for this, she said, it will all be a wast of time, and that I would never meet, see or speak to enough french people to use and remember all these lessons, I duly ignored all this, and when we did arrive, enrolled in classes, and did 3 hours of lessons every week, however, I am actually finding that she was right, I very rairly see any french, all our neighbours are at work all day, and don't seem to arrive home till 6/7 o'clock, and lead very busy lives at week-ends, and rush about doing their own thing, although I have been filling my head with french for two years, I am still not good enough to strike up a conversation with just anybody, i.e in the supermarket, having said that over the last couple of months, I spoke to two cashiers in Hyper-u, and found out that they wanted to improve their english, so I gave them both my phone number, and offered to help them, if they would help me, I have heard nothing from them, I finished my french lessons at the beginning of June, since when I havn't spoken a single word of french, the other night I got my notes out, and was angry, annoyed and frustrated with myself to find out that there was a lot that I had already forgotten, my feelings now are, is it worth me returning to lessons when they re-start, if I'm not using all that I am learning.
  2. Thanks for the replys, It wasn't a refund that came to mind, because the flight only cost 9.99 Euros return, it was just that I wondered if I didn't turn up on the day, that they would fine me or something, but if you all think not turning up is ok, then that's what I will do, don't want to be black listed, or anything dramatic.

  3. I have been trying to find on the ryanair web-site somewhere that lets you cancel a flight, does anyone know how this is done, I am not able to go back to the uk now, I have also been trying to ring them, if all else fails, it will be a case of just not turning up on the day, I'm a bit worried about doing this, has anyone been in this situation.
  4. hello I have been trawling through the posts in connection with TH, and can't really find an answer to my question, our friend owns a holiday home in Charante Maritime, she lives in the Uk, and only comes to france occasionaly, the house isn't rented out at all, she has asked us to find out if she either doesn't have to pay this tax, or that can she get a reduction, I do believe that she has a tele, but not absolutely sure, she hasn't actually been renovating, just putting her own mark on it, and it is furnished.
  5. living in france is'nt what I expected, I hate it, but unfortunately, this is where I must stay, hubby loves it, leaving is not up for discussion, the choices are go back to the U K on my own, or stay put. I wouldn't have mentioned this RH but you did ask.
  6. ok I will a have a go, although by the time I have worked out how to do it, it may well be winter. Hubby is altering curtains at the moment, and getting very irate because we can't open any windows or doors, he is naming the wasps, but that's not the name he is using.
  7. I wonder if anyone know's the name of a hedge that belongs to our neighbour, this hedge is about 3metrs from the side of our house, at this time of year it is covered in creamy white flowers, looks loverly, but is home to swarms of wasps, the flowers don't seem to last THAT long, but for the life of us we can't remember exactly how long, until then we can't open any windows or doors, as the wasps come into the house.
  8. My friend has a Tagine, but it's electric, on the above web they all look as if they all go onto hobs, I have seen hers in lots of shops, they are about 80 euros, I am very impressed with what she puts in it, I am saving up for one, I could go down to the village and sell my body, but hubby says we never have enough coins in the house, so how will I give out change, ( he thinks he's funny).
  9. hello clair,I have been trawling through past threads, ( a bit bored as it's raining) and I have just seen this post about fuel rebates if your household is 'non-imposable' would you mind explaining that for me please, we have just put our tax forms in to the tax office, and have been told that we will pay no tax for the year 2007, only social charges. Thank you.
  10. Thank you for your comments and support G M.



    Steve, no you are right, you didn't call me stupid, I applogise for that, but you did call my post ridiculous, none of us are here to judge what is or isn't ridiculous, no matter what we all think of each-others posts, we keep it to ourselves, and give help and advise where we can, I didn't see your response to me as light hearted banter, so I will stick to what I said previously, if you think that any post of mine is ridiculous, please by pass it, because I havn't joined this forum to have this sort of conversation with another forum member, that's not what it's all about.

  11. You are a bit late with your nasty reply, this thread was finished ages ago, and don't you dare say that anything I post on the forum is stupid, we are all here to ask each-other questions, and to bounce our problems and fears off of one another, if you don't like any of my threads, then ignore them. Easy as that.
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