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Posts posted by woody234

  1. I have 3 years left on my credit agricole mortgage on the house and land which includes a barn, someone wants to buy the barn so how do I go about selling the barn ie  I need to contact a notaire who will need the deeds, I have copy of the deeds but are the real deeds keeped at the bank because of the mortgage, does the notaire borrow the deeds from the bank then change the deeds  then give deeds back to the bank
  2. thanks for reply, the form says

    votre situation professionnelle :  TECHN DIVERS

    si celle-ci est erronee ou incomplete, merci de cocher une case du tableau ci-dessous et de la preciser ci-dessus

    vote etat civil : si celui-ce est errone ou incomplet, mentionner ci-dessous

    I wonder what "techn divers" means


  3. I have recieved a letter from credit agricole but I dont know what its for

    it says

    Mise en conforormite de votre dossier client

    la photocopie d une piece d identite valide (cf liste jointe au verso)

    la potocopie d un justificatif de domocile valide

    la connaissance de votre situation professionnelle (cf coupon repose)

    also there is a form to fill out with a bar code at the top

    it says Merci de verifier completer ou corriger les informations ci-dessous

    Has anyone had the same thing and what does it mean

  4. of course I had planning permission for change of use, that was  all done 5 years ago thats why I had H1 form, and went to see the Impots people 2 years ago, thats when they told me the tax fonc/hab  has gone up because its gone from 20m2  to  75m2 of living space, anyway thanks for reply 
  5. when i filled out the H1 form my 2 taxes went from 120e for both   to   1300e for both, it was because previous owners claimed for 20m2 of living space and did not declare the true amount of 60m2, but i had the garage turned in to a room making it  75m2, if i filled out a new H1 form but taking of the wood burner and the bathroom hot and cold tap would it knock of maybe 200e of the tax fonce and habitation bill since the tax bill is based on the rental value of the property
  6. snapper wrote "I could sell up here, pay of the mortgage" do you mean in london, also isnt the market flooded with gites to rent out, would you make more money renting your house out in london than a gite in france plus you can go back to the uk for medical stuff rather than paying french health care insurance
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