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Everything posted by Noeline

  1. I guess it may not be so very different from here in the UK, some people want there dogs kept looking good (those who can afford it) and others need their hairy hound shaved down once or twice a year. The percentages of each may well be very different but if there are groomers out there, then there must be some need, I just have to find an area that doesn't have one close
  2. Hi All! We are thinking about moving to Brittany, My parents live in the Midi Pyrenees (20 years) and my brother lives near Dieppe (18 years) I have read alot about people working as gardeners etc. but I would like to know if any one out there knows if there is a need for Dog Grooming in Brittany. I am qualified and run a successful business in England. obviously we would have to do a whole lot of homework first, but is the idea a no hoper or is there a need? Thanks for any responses.
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