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Everything posted by PJ

  1. I'm toying with the idea of spending a couple of years floating around the European mainland starting in France. I'm in my mid 50's and have spent the past couple of decades renovating & converting properties in the UK. Rather than sit around outside cafés drinking wine and oggling girls a fraction of  my age I'd rather find somethig to keep myself entertained.  I'd be interested in finding  someone who wants a hand renovating a French property. I'm not offering to build them a house from scratch and if they want a brick wall built around their estate, every flat surface in the house plastered or a fosse dug by hand I suggest they find a builder. I used to hire people to do that sort of stuff. However, I've plenty of experience making windows & doors appear in blank walls, lofts turn into en-suit bathrooms and have even made the odd staircase. I've still got a van full of tools for tiling, plumbing, carpentry, electrics & whatever going rusty & can vaguely remeber how to use most of them. What I don't want is a job. If I needed to earn a living, I'd stay here and spend my days stuck in a traffic jam on the Euston Road. I wouldn't mind a roof over my head to keep off the rain & sun & the chance to improve my French from the standard that failed my o-level. (Offers of unlimited wine & loose women would of course be considered but I prefer my own cooking.). The less overheads I've got the longer I can spend shirking my responsibilities. As for where, well somewhere warmer would  be nice & I can't see much point in spending 6 months gazing at the White Cliffs of Dover from the front side. Access to broadband or at least somewhere where a 3G connection works would be a help as  I do write on this interweb thingy occasionally. I've got some things to sort out before leaving but a few weeks should see me shoving the car on the ferry & trying to remember which side of the road to drive on. I'd be grateful if anyone had any ideas or suggestions. Apart from the obvious ones that is.....
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