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Everything posted by britgirl

  1. Would love to come, but have to 'negotiate' time off with the Boss. [Www]
  2. Just for fun  http://www.savethecomma.com/game/  I'm not telling you my score. [Www]
  3. I use e-bay now and again, and am always amused when I see  furniture advertised with 'draws'. Still a grumpy old woman. etc.[:D]
  4. One of the things that really annoys me is when I hear, or even worst of all read, "could of " instead of  "could have". I don't pretend to have a good command of English grammar etc, so I do make mistakes. I'm now waiting for someone to correct me. Grumpy old woman etc.[:)]
  5. [quote user="Keni"]Lidl has my vote - a miniature potted rose bush - remember that red means I love you, white however is forever! Then I ask him for his credit card - and I know he loves me!! x[/quote]  He certainly does. He must have friends in high places. I've only been able to use a debit card [Www]
  6. Maybe you should add this to your 'wish list' when looking for your soul mate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i1rFYmFYIo&feature=related
  7. [quote user="Cendrillon"]to the boy I think you need to keep the pineau for at least a year before it will be fully matured. Don't forget that you should only drink pineau in small quantities and serve it  in small glasses. [/quote] Ooops. Nobody ever told me that.    [:$][Www][Www]
  8. [quote user="Simon"] Sweeping generalisation...."the average guy, of whatever age, will sleep with any woman with a pulse if he gets the chance". What utter rubbish!  I've turned down far more women than I've been with. I've found that the average woman thinks that because she has a f****, that any guy would sleep with her.  There's lots of decent men out there, we're not all desperate!   [/quote] Can I recommend some reading material amazon.co.uk/Kindle edition [6]
  9. [quote user="Clarkkent"][quote user="britgirl"] And as for crumpets.......... [/quote] Don't you mean pikelets? [/quote]   Pikelets are similar but a lot thinner. You can get more butter on a crumpet.[:D]
  10. Muffins are good when toasted, topped with spinach, hollandaise sauce and a poached egg, so the yolk runs everywhere!! And as for crumpets.......... As a West country girl (born and bred) scones can only be eaten when the clotted cream is topped by home made strawberry jam [Www]
  11. Having being  born and bred  in Midsomer (Norton) I can confirm that the number of 'untimely' deaths is no worse than those in Oxford.[:P]
  12. Just came into my head.[Www] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZucJAkzCNq8&feature=related
  13. Yawn. Yet another thread seems to have been taken over by one upmanship and point scoring.[:(]
  14. [quote user="just john "] [quote user="Alan Zoff"]I trust, as a good Brit, John, that you wear your black socks with your sandals and white shorts. My kids say it's wrong.[/quote] What are friends for if not to help one another out?, a particularly unkind (but candid) friend of a friend took this snap of a very good friend of mine (I've known him for what seems like all my life) during one such moment, obviously your kids are not all wrong, only cherrypickers and cheesemongers wear white shorts, and bearing in mind this is last years model, but clearly black socks, shoes and shorts are a la mode pour le average brit whilst going about his daily business in the sun[8-|] [IMG]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh166/classic69_72/socks.jpg[/IMG] [/quote]   Crikey John, with  friends like that who needs enemies. I always imagined your 'friend' as having more sartorial elegence. Think a visit by Gok or Trinny and Susannah might be be something for your 'friend'to consider.[Www]   edit: forgot to say that all my socks shrink in the washing machine irrelevant of the temperature. Can't blame the tumble drier as I've never had one.
  15. How is the search going Wools?  The album Silverback Gorilla[:)] has a track which tells a similar story about touring and meeting different women but all he is really looking for is Good love, (thought of you when I saw the hat)[:D]
  16. [quote user="sweet 17"] Never been to Chinon, Britgirl.  Tell me, is Richelieu worth a look as well?  I've seen pictures of it and it intrigues me. [/quote] a few years ago now, but from memory, certainly worth a visit, not huge, village size but built like a town square, symmetrical, formal architecture, a sort of proper Poundsbury, didn't stay long, discovered it by chance on route from Chinon the previous day, had lunch there in the main square and moved on, I think there was a visitor/tourist centre which was closed for lunch!
  17. If you feel like snaking around on the route down, then a couple of places I've stayed at and felt that there wasn't enough time to discover all, were Chinon., and Angles-sur-l'anglin , terrain a bit up and down from memory but do-able and definitely worth the drive. No ultralight pics I'm afraid but I did once see one sticking out the back of a 2cv, looked like the 2cv was being propelled by a giant fan![:)]
  18. [:$]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNHSIge21LM&feature=fvst  [:$]
  19. Just for you Wooly: this may help in your mission. Xx[:$] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG8cbZL44VM
  20. It's grey, cold and dismal, and I need cheering up.!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz2-ukrd2VQ&feature=related Well it makes me laugh.
  21. Sorry , but can't help being frivolous Ugly women are beautiful too As one who has always been 'less' than the ideal model girl [:-))]
  22. Not too sure if this is of any use, but I have just travelled from Southampton to Weymouth without any problems. It was bitterly cold (-4 to -6) and foggy in places. Safe journey.
  23. [quote user="sweet 17"]You mean Colette isn't going to fry the piranha from Tiranha?  I'm confused now.....what feesh then?[/quote]   Red herrings of course.[Www]
  24. S 17, At the risk of being 'non P.C' I'd find what a man-what-can. Watch what he does and you'll know for next time. No point in taking risks [8-)]
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