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Rose (& Greyman)

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Everything posted by Rose (& Greyman)

  1. [quote user="Dog"]........... - they never did reply to it.[/quote] Don't give up hope, it's probably still in the in-tray of the only qualified inspector left working there.
  2. Life is full of hysterical 'I'm the victim' types. Sometimes they just have to get over themselves and sometimes they deserve offending ! As an example I would happily offend any bigot who tried to spout their rubbish to me. To much of current day life is spent trying not to offend when what we need is more people to tell it how it is. Just my opinion, feel free to be offensive about it, I couldn't give a monkeys.[:D]
  3. I think he's missed the point. Isn't the greatest success getting to the stage when you don't need a watch ! [:D]
  4. Much amused by this thread. Anyone expecting haute cuisine in a Wetherspoons is deluded but I was in one in Newton Abbot in Devon last night. Had a perfectly good sirloin steak cooked to my choice with chips and fresh salad and a pint of Pedigree - all for £5.69. The clientele were pleasant, not stockbroker belt material thank god but honest working people. It was a nice night out and very cheap. There was a 99p pint on - I didn't have it but it wasn't a fizzy 'Worthington' type, it was a decent ale. I've been in rough pubs all over and they're not restricted to chains. It just depends who is attracted from the local area. There's another Wetherspoons in Exeter near the Uni and it attracts students unsuprisingly. A different experience altogether but you know what you're getting as soon as you open the door.[:)]
  5. Always ate mine in UK. Just like winter greens really. Haven't got the potager sorted here yet, it's a project for this Spring and I've joined growveg.com to do my planning online and get some tips.
  6. Given the current cult of the worthless celebrity I'm happy for this pilot to be a hero. He'd be mine if I'd been pulled off the wing of that plane ! He may have been trained to make that landing but I've no doubt that if he made just a slight misjudgement then a number of people would have died. But he didn't, he kept calm and focussed in the face of a possible horrible death. Hero does it for me, may there be more Chesley Sullenberger's on the front pages and less Tara Palmer Wasteofspace's. [:)]
  7. Does any one have experience of children travelling on Ryanair ? My two aged 16 and 13 are due to fly out on 29th December, Bristol to Bergerac. Having booked their tickets I've just noticed the Ryanair site says they will not carry under 14's unless accompanied by an over 16. Will they accept a 16 year old ? They have been doing this for some time on Flybe so I didn't imagine it would be a problem. Does anyone have any experience of this in practice i.e. how strict are they and if my children do online checkin how do Ryanair know their ages ? Thanks.
  8. Having just passed the big 50 this year I may be experiencing the start of the downward slope to dribbling or perhaps it is something others can speculate about ..... I've started hearing the Hum. This apparantly widespread phenomenon has been driving me nuts of late. It is described here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum, thanks to wiki. Before I started googling it I was following the common pattern of turning the house upside down, switching off power, searching the neighbourhood and wrapping my head in blankets. The low frequency humming sound is clearest at night and when inside the house. It seems to have no discernable location or cause but it is persistent and once your mind focusses on it the distraction can cause sleepless nights. It is said not to be tinnitus which I am told manifests in a different way and although I am open to the idea that it could be, in my case it just doesn't 'feel' like an internal problem. When I work away in UK I never hear it, indeed on recent trips I have actively tried to focus on trying to hear it with no luck. It seems to be 'loudest' in winter and although heard when outside it is clearest indoors. I have ruled out all obvious causes - we are in a quiet country location with no roads, machinery, power lines etc. close by. As the sound is constant (for me a bit like someone blowing across the top of a bottle but for hours without taking a breath) I don't think it can be wind related as this would come and go. Last night I finally slept to the music of Bach Cello concertos - very nice and exactly the right frequency to cover it - but I don't know how long OH can put up with that ! If it continues I will try the doc but like I said I don't think it's me ! Has anyone else come across this or have any ideas for a solution ? I did read one website that suggested sleeping outside so I'll rule that one out now.
  9. ....should I ? Moral dilemma now ... perhaps just , no problem Clair, you're welcome
  10. [quote user="Clair"][quote user="greyman"]...I suspect often it's just the lack of a 'track my posts' facility. Or is there such a thing ?[/quote] You can track all the threads you've posted to by going to My Forums (top left of main forum page). [/quote] Thank you Clair (nearly forgot !). It's been subtly explained to me now by Rose.
  11. I've just returned from a week away and seeing this I started racking my brain to recall if I could be guilty. I've forgotten what I was posting before I went and can imagine how easy it could be to forget about something you asked, particularly if you raised it on a few forums (fora ?). If done carelessly I think it is rude not to reply but I suspect often it's just the lack of a 'track my posts' facility. Or is there such a thing ?
  12. [quote user="Bugbear"]He sold the family silver (gold reserves actually). [/quote] ...and stole my family silver i.e. all the tax credits from my pension scheme. The biggest robbery of all time and virtually unnoticed by the public.
  13. Can't help with the pie but my OH makes lemon meringue ice cream - best of both worlds and lovely jubbly [:)]
  14. I never cease to be amazed by the stress some seem to suffer from the process of flying. I fly back to UK once a month, usually with FlyBe who are very good if a little pricey relative to the other low-costers. But still a steal in my opinion. However my last trip was RyanAir. Cost €16 all in for a return ticket. I only take hand luggage so printed an online check-in/priority boarding pass 4 days before I left. On arrival at Bergerac airport I was whisked out of the queue by a RyanAir hostess and fed me through security in super-quick time. After waiting in the departure lounge for 50 minutes they called forward all priority boarders. We both stood up and in no time I had strolled up the steps and chosen my seat. Loads of room for a six-footer. The crew were very pleasant and efficient. We landed at Bristol half an hour early and I was in my car before I was due to land. The return flight was much the same albeit a bit busier but certainly no trouble. I managed to read in peace and get in a short doze during the 75 minute flights. Would I drive ? Guess !! [:)] Would I pay €5 for priority boarding. You bet.
  15. Pads, I was amused by your 'ticker' so logged on to www.tickerfactory.com to see if they would do one for the installation of our new fosse (cunningly scheduled for Mrs Greyman's birthday, hence saving the need for another embarrassingly useless gift !!). However I now seem to have become the proud owner of an Ovulation Calendar. Could I have a kir while I consider appropriate uses for this device ??? [:-))]
  16. Thanks Lisleoise, I'll drop in on my next trip to Leroys.
  17. I'm looking for a framer, preferably near Perigueux, to frame a couple of newly acquired prints. Anyone got a recommendation ? Thanks
  18. Thanks, my English Rose. Here's one for you too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAEGapfVMXI   ...and also for all Dads and their boys, especially my two - one in France one in England http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oXoAF_rBgR8
  19. Oh dear what a plonker, Rodney. He probably hasn't got any new English friends because they are avoiding him and his new French friends are sticking around because they are amused by his Franglais. When we made our last move in Devon we didn't spend all our time agonising about integrating, only went to a few village events, were only on nodding terms with our neighbours, made a few friends through my son's school and struggled with some of the local accents. Exactly the same as here. Our old friends still used to come to visit, we ate the same food as before and were quite happy to watch the same old soaps on TV. We had some new and delightful experiences, met some nice people and the ladies in the local shop always smiled when we called in to buy our bread and sweets. Exactly the same as here. We were part of the village without having to shout about it or live our lives demonstrating how important we were. We were happy and so were our neighbours. Can't say there's been much difference in fitting into our new home apart from learning a new language and despite our ropey French that's not been a big issue. We've felt very at home from the beginning as we did when moving to our last English home. [:)]
  20. No contradiction. It's called democracy, you don't always get what you want (Tony Blair, Gordon Brown !!) but the majority do (in theory). I don't like some of the manefestations of the free market but I like the alternatives even less. I do agree about the wine though. Interesting discussion but it's time is up. Time to open a bottle and check Mr O'Leary's latest offers.[B]
  21. I think it may be along the lines of moins quart....as in m'wan kar [:$]. Try saying that quickly. Similar to moins cuire as said to my OH at a market when buying bread with a slightly paler crust.
  22. That's a very good point but unfortunately it's down to the free market. These people all had the same opportunity that we have, they just chose to sell their souls to the trashy media or Sky Sports when we wouldn't ever want to do so, but where does the money come from ? The great unwashed of course. These people so many of us appear to loath earn their mega-bucks from us and they saw the opportunity to do that and took it. Most of them have played within the system it's just that we (me included) don't put any real value on what they do. But society as a whole obviously does. It's within our power to change this but I don't see it happening in a hurry. We could stop buying the Sun and donate the cost to a nurse - there's no law against it. Or we could vote for a party who promise to raise taxes on the 'celebrity' wasters. It just won't come to be in the real world. Equally Ryanair can continue to be slated for poor service, ripoff prices and arrogant PR but as long a Joe Public fly with them they'll keep making a profit. They are obviously providing what's wanted.
  23. You're right on both scores Coops, so long since I've pulled out the 60s collections and my memory isn't what it was. Still great though. I seemed to have got diverted down ths line trying to link arguments against a successful Ryanair with other earlier arguments on the thread against successful early retirees, so a very tenuous hold still ..... I think ![:)]
  24. yes I know that Artsole. So the regime is wrong and needs to be changed but Scooby was complaining that the guy had unfairly profited from his criminal dealings and if he(she) feels so strongly then that's the best action. I believe if a system is wrong it needs to be changed not turn a blind eye to everyone bending it. It may take for ever but you can't complain about the unfair results it creates on one hand but condone the behaviour on the other. I have to come clean about the pic. It's the king of cool Steve McQueen from the sixties so more than 20 years old and it never did bear a resemblence. Maybe after he'd finished the egg eating stunt in Cool Hand Luke........[+o(]
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