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Rose (& Greyman)

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  1. It's so strange to see so many names I recognise after all these years. for those who want to see Twinks sing... here's a link to a tribute they did at the end of last year. I'm currently walking in the Picos and I played it a full volume yesterday for the mountains and the birds to hear. https://youtu.be/Vd4t1mSqMoE
  2. Hello folks Firstly... this is Rose and not Greyman... my login won't work and no matter what I do I can't login. Second I have some very sad news... some of you will remember our beautiful welsh songbird Twinkle. We became friends through this forum and when I moved to France in 2007, friends in real life too. Sadly I learned yesterday that she died. I wasn't surprised as I knew she was ill... she messaged me a little while ago to say that it wasn't looking good. Nonetheless I was stunned. She was far to young and fabulous to die. My heart is heavy but I know that she is now singing with the angels... sharing her beautiful voice in heaven. I know that many of you were virtual friends. I'm sorry to return with such sad news Rose
  3. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Never read one book to be honest. Prefer my X Box.[/quote] We'd never have guessed.
  4. But that's exactly what has been happening. Many sleazy, over-entitled men in positions of power have been using that power to dictate that women concede to their sleaze in order to have their careers advanced/not be destroyed. Society as a whole has suffered from that. So blind, similarly over-entitled women like Deneuve are pushing their simpering views on to women who simply want to be treated fairly and advance on their merit. It's not really a difficult concept but I can see why a certain type of man or woman wouldn't want to see it advanced.
  5. I haven't updated for a while but I think many members are following Rose's blog. If you're not you might be interested to know she has now passed the 700km mark and is less than 70km from Santiago and the finish line. It looks like she will get her compostella and book her place in heaven. I hope she sends me a postcard.
  6. Hi Kitty, I have PM'd you the blog link. I can report that Rose has now marched past the 500km mark and is doing really well. She has had some adventures and interesting and enlightening experiences. If all goes well she will have finished in 2 weeks time. I'm sure she will report back on her trip then.
  7. Well, Rose is on her way. We walked from the monastery at Roncevalles at 6am on Saturday and walked together for the first day. After some concern about her boots I left her in a windswept Spanish hamlet and headed home. She has walked another 17km today and has secured a top bunk ! She is very determined and I'm proud of her.
  8. Hamas fire rockets knowingly from civilian populated areas, targetted at civilians. Israeli army fire shells and missiles into known civilain areas and opress the population of Gaza. In the battle for scumminess there is no clear winner here just civilians caught literally in the crossfire of politicians who can't resolve it. Take the political posturing out of it (as always) and sit a normal Israeli family in a room with a normal Palestinian family and they will respect each other as human beings.
  9. It's useful to see these changes in one place. It's like a whole body scan where you can see all the illnesses in one picture. I'm with Chancer on the 24 hour change. These people really are the most stupid single-celled lifeforms ever given charge of a supposedly developed nation. So three people on 16 hour contracts will now become two. Two employees who want to job share will do that how ? 35 divided by 2 = 24 ?? When we ran a business staff used to ask for fewer hours, it suited them and we were happy to do it. We agree a work pattern to suit us all without having some moron impose a limit on it. Mindblowing.
  10. Real footy started more than a week ago. I think you're talking about the Premier League. That's the one where the poor darlings cry when the throw in doesn't go their way. Support a real club not the one who sell the prettiest merchandise. [:P]
  11. I've just thrown a grape at her Sweets. We have been away for a while ....
  12. There are two issues here Rabbie. Firstly the Germans have benefited hugely by the farce that is the Euro, so it seems fair that they take some of the pain now. Secondly, why are just the savers being hammered ? Why not a 10% levy on corporate assets, a levy on loans and mortgages, on private property, I could go on. Savers have been living with effective negative interest rates for years now whilst borrowers have had it good. Time for the pain to be spread I think.
  13. [quote user="Quillan"] Tell you what I wish I could have paid just 12.5% corporation tax let alone 10% when I had a company. Cyprus has always been an excellent country in which to place your money if you want to avoid paying tax and we are talking way before the Russians appeared on the scene. ...................Think we all need to do a little more independent research before emotionally shooting from the hip and making ourselves look rather stupid. [/quote] I think you are misunderstanding Quillan. The levy on Cypriot savers is 6.75% or 9.9% of their CAPITAL. So in your corporation tax analogy it would be like a one-off tax taking your last 5 years profits in full. I'd be shooting from the hip if that happened to me as a prudent saver. Yet again this crisis has seen savers hammered while borrowers (private, corporate and governments) have been protected.[:@]
  14. I'm told Preparation H sorts them out
  15. But I'm not blaming ParcelForce. I was quite happy with a 5 day service, which was a good price. I'm unhappy with Parcels2Go. There was clearly an issue with my delivery on the French side which I was willing to intervene to resolve. They were totally unable to get a very simple piece of information i.e. where was my parcel, which was being tracked, for 4+ working days after I asked. Having paid for a 3-5 day service I don't think it's unreasonable for the involved parties, to whom I have paid the price asked, to get their act together and get the parcel to me in 3-5 days. When it started to go wrong I acted promptly to try to sort it out. Out of interest the parcel has just been delivered from the back of a hire van ! It didn't seem like la Poste to me. So it was 8 days, 6 working days from collection and only them because I hassled to get the address issue confirmed. The address on the package was well attached and faultless too (the original as well as the extra one stuck on in France).
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