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Posts posted by FairyNuff

  1. I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but Mr FairyNuff ('NuffSaid) wants me to clarify things before I fill in our tax return! (but he'll be signing it). [;-)]

    We arrived in France in October last year, our question is: do we only declare income after the date of arrival, or for the whole year. I've seen both actions advised as being correct. It could make quite a big difference to the amount of tax we will have to pay.

    Thanks in advance


  2. Having finally managed to get into the garden for lunch in the sunshine the other day, we were astonished to be "buzzed" by what appeared to be a huge black fly. It was rather like the Hercules of the fly world, bigger than a bumble bee, black and shiny, very loud buzz. Are they dangerous, should we be wary of them, or are they harmless? We're in the Indre.

    FairyNuff [blink]

  3. I've been to the sous-prefecture to-day, the lady there gave me the form to fill in, the medical declaration, along with the document to change my licence to a French one. She also gave me a list of the documents required, and a list of agreed translators, although the instruction sheet doesn't mention the need for a translation! I'm still thinking about whether I'm going to apply for a licence jaune or not, I think I need a bit more experience of driving over here - I still get a little bit 'twitchy' when I meet someone coming the other way down the narrow local roads, and that's in a wee Kangoo! [:$]


  4. Thank you for the reply, I knew someone would have some information. From the licence jaune I was quickly shown it might well be the same thing as your SPV (what does that stand for?). As you say, I'll ust have to go into the sub-prefecture and speak to them. I'll let you know how I get on.

    FairyNuff [8-|]

  5. I have started volunteering with the Croix Rouge as a secouriste. At a meeting last night it was suggested that I apply for a "Licence Jaune" which would enable me to drive the mobile first aid post/ambulance. I know I have to go to the sous prefecture for a form, and that I have to have a medical and a blood test. What I don't know is whether or not I will have to change my British licence for a French one, or what the medical and blood test involve.

    Has anyone else been through this? Any info gratefully received.

    Thank you,

    FairyNuff [8-|]

  6. Replying to the OP, we went to see this film about two weeks ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Our French couldn't be described as fluent, but we managed to understand properly about 70%, and to follow the rest of it fairly easily.

    I'd say go and see it, it's a heart-warming story, we came out of the pictures (that shows my age![:)]) feeling good and glad to have seen it.


  7. I believe there are forum members interested in the history of the Special Operations Executive, so I thought I'd post this.

    In our Nouvelle Republique today it was reported that Pearl Cornioley (nee Witherington) died yesterday. Her alias was initially Marie when she parachuted into France as a courrier in September 1943, and when her group leader Maurice Southgate was arrested she took over his area as Pauline. At the time of the D-day landings she was in charge of nearly 2000 men, and managed to organise the sabotage of 800 railway lines in the Indre department. All information we could find about this lady indicates a woman of great courage and character.

    It makes me humble.



  8. We've just come back indoors after a cycle ride, having seen about 20 deer in the fields and skeins of what seemed like hundreds of geese or ducks flying eastwards in the evening light. They were quite an awesome sight, but too high to identify unfortunately.


  9. An update:

    I followed the suggestions made after I started the thread, and cooked some more of the same type of beef in red wine in a slow cooker for about 7 hours, with some carrots, garlic, herbs, onions etc, it fell to pieces when we put a fork into it. We actually ate what was supposed to have been for two meals in one sitting it was so good![blink]


  10. [quote user="Cendrillon"]

    PS: we ate it anyway![geek

    Do you have any teeth left? [Www][/quote]

    Yes, fortunately I'm of the generation that had a wee bottle of milk every morning at school. With luck it was nice and cold, but in the summer it was often nearly yogurt!



  11. Hello all you good cooks out there

    I bought some beef last week labelled "Viande bovine gite noix à bifteack" (that's their spelling mistake, not my typing) which was cut along the grain of the meat. I fried it in a fancy ridged frying pan, and unfortunately it was as tough as old boots. Should I have cooked it slowly as a stew or casserole instead of frying it? Would it have been less tough if I'd bashed it with a meat mallet?



    PS: we ate it anyway![geek]

  12. Hello everyone,

    This is my first post, we have learned a lot of very useful information on this forum. Thank you to everyone who contributes.

    I would like to know if anyone has come across what appear to be alternative organisations to CPAM? We have been sent by our local CPAM to CPSACI (Caisse de Prevoyance Sociale des Artisans & Commercants de l'Indre) to sort out our carte vitales. My searching indicates that it is part of Mutualité Francaise, not 'official' if I can put it that way. I'm confused to say the least!

    Thanks for any help



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