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Posts posted by FairyNuff

  1. I was talking to my father-in-law yesterday about fetes in France. We have a local fete de la lentille verte de Berry, and I was wondering whether there are any other fetes of relatively unglamorous veggies?  [:D]  What's you're local event dedicated to?


  2. It's obviously a direct lift from the British series, but they don't have the manners to acknowledge it. There's another lift from the British series "Life on Mars", based in New York, but at least the Yanks say that it's a copy in their credits, in small letters though! I can't remember which French channel it was on now, the little grey cells are tired.

    Does anyone have any other examples?


  3. We have a diesel Kangoo, now nearly 5 years old. I agree about the load space, we've even transported a bath in ours, and it definitely holds more than the Freelander I used to have. We rarely drive on motorways, and then not very far, it does get a bit noisy at high-ish speeds. Good for shifting bags of cement, tiles etc. Like most things and the curate's egg, good in parts, less good in others.


  4. Do you know if you can receive BBC radio where you are? If you can't a radio with that specific idea in mind could be a waste of money. When I need a top-up of the Archers   [:$]   I listen to radio 4 on-line, we're too far from GB to receive other than long-wave, and even that reception is dodgy.


  5. [quote user="Théière"]Knowing if it turns out to be true you have a faulty gene (really hope you are clear) could you go for regular screening rather than have surgery first? (I know nothing about this gene, just interested)[/quote]

    Having had my interest poked I looked into this, and came across this page.


    It seems that at the moment there is no reliable screening for ovarian cancer, but it is being investigated. Nowadays screening methods and potential problems are looked into much more before being rolled-out to the appropriate public.


  6. I'm sorry that I was perhaps a bit late in replying to be of much help. It should help that you have confidence in the consultant. Ovarian cancer is "silent" because it is often well advanced before it presents symptoms. Breast problems on the other hand are more easily detected. I hope all turns out well for you,


  7. You may be able to open a new account with a bank where you already are a customer, but most will direct you to open an off-shore account (at least that what MOH says, after he's discussed it with our banks).


  8. Thanks for posting edyth, that's largely what we're doing. But he's a little b*gger, he won't drink out of his water bowl, much preferring the washing-up bowl or the gutter around the side of the house!  [:D]


    PS That's Tiddles in the picture

  9. [quote user="Patf"]The thing about the pompiers is that most of them are volunteers, and have other jobs. So have to take time off when called to an emergency. And a lot of the call-outs are free (as compared with SAMU who charge, ) so where does their funding come from?
    I think contributions go to new equipment etc plus a fund for families if one dies on duty.


    They might be volunteers but they're not unpaid, they get a pension as well. Much like the part-time firefighters in GB. AFAIK the funding comes from the Conseil Départementale. But I think you're partly right about where the money goes, I believe the equipment is bought by the authority.



  10. [quote user="pachapapa"]

    [quote user="sweet 17"]Didn't watch last week as I was glued to Operaton Mincemeat on UK TV.  But, I might do tonight as I so enjoyed it last year, despite not understanding much of the dialogue.[/quote]

    Dont be proud and stuck up.....put the subtitles on.....sous titres.[I]

    Telétexte page 888.


    That's what we do, it's interesting to spot where the words spoken and the subtitles differ. That aside it really does help with understanding what's going on.

  11. [quote user="Pads"]Arrrh poor lad ... now I do have to tell you that if he's a ginger tom....he will need lots of fuss and love , sloppy talking to ..freshchicken hand fed to him while he lie's in front of the fire on the dogs bed which he has stolen. To be allowed to go in and out of closed doors as many times as you can get up....and 2 thirds of the bed every night ....but if he's another colour dont worry to much about all of that he will cope !!! ;)[/quote]

    How did you guess - he's a pale ginger colour!

    He likes lying on his back on your lap and having his tummy stroked, while he purrs in ecstacy!

  12. Just a bit of advice needed.

    Our adopted cat has just been neutered (today - miouch!), and the vet nurse gave me a spiel about feeding a special diet to avoid him getting fat and also urinary tract problems, with a sample of their stocked food for 5 days. Having seen the price of the stuff I ask myself if it's really necessary, or just a way of extracting more money?


  13. I bought a liquid that is dropped on the back of the neck like flea & tick treatment, much less distress all round. Tiddles is booked in for next Tuesday, I don't think he's going to be a happy cat!

  14. Thanks to Gardian and Cooperlola for the advice, I'll pay a visit to the vets this afternoon. I need to make an appointment for a delicate operation as well, Tiddles McVitie needs to lose his ginger nuts!
  15. Where do I buy worming tablets for a cat? or are there injections a vet can administer? We've never had a cat before so I'm a bit lost to say the least!
  16. In reply to Albert the InfoGipsey,

    I volunteer with the local Red Cross in Indre. They distribute food to needy people, but the food they pick up from the Banque Alimentaire is not free. Perhaps it's different in each department.


    Edit: In reply to the OP, please do volunteer, you'll be welcomed with open arms. After being a life long volunteer,you couldn't pay me enough to do what I do for nothing.
  17. Call me a nit-picker if you want to, but I am really curious as to why the second red banner on the opening page of each topic doesn't coincide (thread, last post, replies, views) with what's below it. The top one does, so it is possible!

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