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Everything posted by Gardengirl

  1. It sounds as though you’ve worked extremely hard at sorting this problem out! I’m afraid that I don’t have any answers for you. However, a neighbour in our apartment building had a very similar problem. She lives on a corner of the second (top) floor and had problems with her kitchen sink for several years, maybe 8 years and lives there full time. She had called in plumbers quite a few times but the problem was never solved. None of the rest of us had any problems. Eventually the syndique took the problem she’d had for so long very seriously, and an enormous lump of limescale rock was somehow removed. Sorry, we can’t remember how. I do remember that it cost a very large amount, and it was paid for by all the co-owners, although she had paid privately for plumbers to try. I do hope that somebody has a brilliant way of solving your problem and at a reasonable cost. Good luck.
  2. We spent up to 6 months a year in France at our apartment, with the justification given by a British law company offering help of various types for those buying/moving to France, at a cost, of course. The advice was that if your main source of income and main centre of life was in the UK, the time we spent in France was allowed. Taking the 90/180 days, we believe that we can no longer stay for that amount of time and should apply for a visa to be able to do so.
  3. More on shortages for vaccine in India from the BBC’s ‘Reality Check’: “India coronavirus: Can its vaccine producers meet demand?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-55571793
  4. Ken, my understanding, having looked into Indian vaccines further, is that raw materials are one huge problem, with some exports from the USA being stopped by order of Joe Biden. One expert said that another problem was that making the OAZ vaccine (unlike the Pfizer vaccine) is like brewing beer - sometimes whole batches don’t turn out right and have to be thrown out. When I have my second jab in 9 days time, I’m going to think of it as being like the Rebellion IPA, that I’m drinking as I’m reading and typing this post, going into my arm. As Prof, Jonathan Van Tam said yesterday, it’s no good in the fridge, it’s only of use when put into arms. ?
  5. I haven’t seen reference to a block on exporting the OAZ vaccine from India to the UK, only a hold up. I feel terrible that the UK has been able to receive vaccine from India - there has been one batch delivered already, I gather. The vaccine manufactured in India was intended for ‘for low and middle-income countries‘ - which category do we come in to? AFAIK, the vaccine that might be blocked from the EU is the Pfizer vaccine from Belgium. But what on earth are EU leaders getting into such a lather about wanting the UK to deliver a vaccine to them that they don’t trust and of which they have put a stop on vaccinations.
  6. ? ? ? Norman! Goodness, Mint, a road map to ALRDTP - what a discovery! Have any of you read the whole work rather than volume 1? That could have been an excellent project for this year of going nowhere and doing nothing, but not one I thought of.
  7. The head of the EMA said that there are 'No indication' of link of the OAZ vaccine to blood clots: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56411561
  8. A very interesting article. Edited to add: After checking, the author of the article is shown on UK Column’s website as “Author, blogger, researcher and short film maker who rants at In This Together. You could follow his witter on Twitter & his ramblings are also forthcoming on Steemit & MINDS. You can even watch his offerings on YouTube, DTube and on BitChute too.” However, about 17 million people in the EU and the UK are reported to have received a dose of OxfordAstraZeneca vaccine, with fewer than 40 cases of blood clots reported via the official reporting schemes. On a purely personal level, everyone I know who has had the OAZ vaccine up to now, including myself, my husband, my brother plus neighbours, and friends across the UK and in France have had very mild side effects only. Three had flu-like symptoms, with shivering, sweating etc, went to bed, had a good sleep and woke up feeling fine.
  9. Excellent news that you’ve had your first vaccination, Wooly. Which did you have and please let us know if you have any effects from it. It really does seem that things are moving in France, thank goodness. I had my jab in my right arm for medical reasons.
  10. Second vaccinations bookable at the same time - hope this can help somebody: https://partners.doctolib.fr/hopital-public/perigueux/vaccination-covid?speciality_id=5494&enable_cookies_consent=1
  11. Fun while getting the safety message across: https://thepointsguy.com/news/air-france-new-safety-video/?fbclid=IwAR3i_Qh8wWjQLFXIukBmQEmLAXc8eVxjrtRPeB4hY4Il4WKsOnPOY_OO4R0
  12. As with Marseille, the areas affected by this terrible activity aren’t any that most of us would ever visit. Not at all good for those who live in those areas of the city or their families. Would it put me off going to Nîmes? Not at all. Our small town isn’t far from Nîmes, and before Covid I went there often on the bus, it’s a city I love wandering around, suddenly coming upon the Roman arena on foot or by car is amazing experience! It still is after 30+ years of visiting. The centre used to be a bit of a mess, but the last 10 years or so has seen a huge change.
  13. It’s been another lovely sunny day here in Berkshire. I’ve been battling with brambles that have woven their way through a huge cornus during the winter. It was lovely out there, sunshine, a clear blue sky, birds singing, primroses everywhere and a robin at my feet throwing leaf mould around while searching for food.
  14. Wooly, I do hope that nobody hits on your post searching for lesser-known side effects on the internet to repeat to a wider audience on the dark web! The French medicines safety agency has published its first analysis of side-effects caused by Covid-19 vaccines since the start of vaccinations in France: https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/First-report-into-side-effects-of-Covid-vaccines-in-France
  15. What a cheery thread, thank you for starting it, Idun. First, lots of hugs with family, especially with our granddaughters, and having them round for sleepovers above anything else. When lockdown ends it will be great to go walking in NT grounds and beyond again, as we’ve had to stay local - I miss having a good long walk in countryside with nothing to see but trees and grass. Meals out at some favourite pubs would be good, and we’re thinking of a few midweek days at Dartmouth in and planning a trip to the west coast of Scotland. We flew to Inverness and hired a car last time, as it’s so far, but won’t be going anywhere by plane for a long time. Ditto for our next visit to our home in France, whenever it’s safe and allowed - we’ve got used to taking the direct Eurostar to Avignon or flown BA to Marseille but think we’ll probably go via Eurotunnel and drive to the Gard.
  16. Very good news thot you’ve had your second jab, Norman! Our second jabs are due in just over 5 weeks, which we are perfectly happy about, in our mid-70s. The NHS will be starting to vaccinate over-40s soon, which is good news for our sons and DIL.
  17. Articles in the Connexion are appreciated by some, decried by others, but I thought that some might be interested in this article: https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/Is-France-s-Covid-19-vaccination-calendar-realistic?utm_source=Master+List&utm_campaign=59ab65693b-Newsletter_Feb_12_2021_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9b5fbe85b4-59ab65693b-357617806
  18. Oh, ALBF, I wish we could visit our home in France, but can’t imagine it before autumn, if then. Quite a few French friends are very aware about the huge shortcomings in vaccinations in France and how things are going in other parts of the world. There’s anger about the lack of progress in France, at Macron’s answer about the ‘quasi effectiveness’ of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and how the EU is handling vaccinations. I watched a French tv news report a couple of evenings ago about young teens racing around stabbing one another, it seemed to be spreading like a rash - extremely worrying!
  19. Lori, I sympathise about the amount of time it’s taking, but every person who receives their vaccination is a step towards making everyone a little bit more safe. My husband and I had ours at our GP surgery just over 6 weeks ago, having had a phone call from our GP the previous day. It took about 5 minutes, having already had our identity checks and allergy questions outside and hand gel applied by a volunteer, who directed us to the left entrance of the building. It was a special session for over 70s who needed to carry epipens, and everyone in our area of the building was asked to sit and wait in the next hall for 15 minutes. We were each given a label with the time of our vaccination as well as the vaccine record card.
  20. Yes, Idun, I don’t know anyone who received their vaccine at their GP surgery who was given a date for their second jab. My GP told me that he would ring me again around 12 weeks after my first jab to go in the following day, just as he did for the first. Everyone I know who went to a vaccination hub was given their second appointment on the vaccination card they were given with details of the first one.
  21. All we can do is to hope that the rising numbers of new cases will be reversed as vaccinations continue. It was incredibly worrying when the numbers here in the UK started mounting again but the semi-lockdown and vaccinations have made a big difference.
  22. Excellent news, and exactly as it should be. You must feel relieved. Thank you for letting us know the good news, and please keep us up to date as work takes place.
  23. A follow-on from Norman’s post with figures; excellent news about the first jab reducing hospital admissions by 85% and 94% for the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs respectively. Covid vaccines - 'spectacular' impact on serious illness: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56153600 This news can’t change the horrific number of deaths in the UK from Covid-19 due to our government’s very poor, very late action against it in the first few months. But it gives great hope about fewer deaths now and in the future.
  24. Ken, sorry to read about your cancellations. Idun, I didn’t care which vaccine I was given either. But our GP called me in for a vaccination clinic for older patients who have allergies requiring the carrying of epipens. We all had the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and I’m content with that. We are due to have our second jabs at Easter, but aren’t planning doing anything other than continuing with our quiet lives. Hugs with young granddaughters and and walks further away from home are our aims after a few weeks. Some of you might not have seen this excellent news about protection given by the Pfizer and Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines after the first jab: Covid vaccines - 'spectacular' impact on serious illness https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56153600
  25. Lori, is there really a national pizza day? I suppose I could look it up, lazy, that’s me today! I’m not into Mother’s day, but Mothering Sunday, although I haven’t had a mum or mum-in-law for a very long time I’ve celebrated Mothering Sunday for as long as I can remember, which was passed down the generations - but have never gone in for all the expensive flowers or gaudy nick-nacks. Mothering Sunday occurs on the fourth Sunday of Lent, March 14th this year.Traditionally, it was a day when children, mainly daughters, who had gone to work as domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother and family. I first met it as a tiny at Sunday school; for us it was a crêche and when handed a small bunch of mimosa to give to our mothers, it was just a lovely thrill. When I first saw mimosa growing on a trip to France I was amazed to see how prolific it was; I still enjoy seeing it growing, or used to when we could still visit France. The handing over of mimosa to give to our mothers continued until I stopped going to Sunday school/church, but by then I’d been able to save up and buy my mother something myself - usually flowers, but back then they were bunches of reasonably-priced flowers in season, not imported roses etc at huge prices. I’ve never been one for bunches/bouquets of roses, I much prefer beautifully-scented freesias. If life was normal, on 14th March this year we’d be having lunch with our 2 sons, their spouses and our grandchildren, celebrating our younger son’s birthday (2days earlier) as well as Mothering Sunday. As it is, I expect that flowers and a card will arrive by post from our elder son, who lives at a distance. Our younger son will pop round the corner with our young granddaughters, bringing flowers or a plant and cards. They’ll put them in the porch, ring the bell, step back, and we’ll have a chat at a distance - just like with the postman! It will be wonderful when we can be together, hug, have meals together. Not with the postman! ?
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