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Everything posted by joansie

  1. I am moving from France (32) back to England. The exact date for the Acte Authentique de  Vente has not been set yet but it will be around the middle of July this year.  How do I notify the suppliers of services such as France Telecom, EDF, Générale des Eaux and Wanadoo broadband? Please, if someone could tell me the correct procedures and any tips/hints on how to deal with them particularly as my French is far from adequate. Thank you. Any help much appreciated. And thank you to all who answered my last question.
  2. OK. Thank you. Think I understand. I was worried that I would need to have funds in my account to cover the cost of the Immobiliers fees before the cheque from the sale cleared. Next worry is wondering if Le Gers/Les Landes is one of those southern parts with different customs!
  3. I am selling my property in France and moving back to the UK.  If someone could answer the following I would be very grateful.             Am I correct in thinking that although the immobilier fees are included in the purchase price, it is up to the seller (me, in this case) to actually pay these fees to the immobilier?  If so, how exactly is this done and when?
  4. Ahh!! Brilliant. Thanks for that.
  5. Can anyone please tell me where  I go to get door keys cut in France? I need to get a duplicate for my front door. Thank you  
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