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Everything posted by Grecian

  1. With the condition of Johnson worsening overnight, and if you have any decency, I sincerely hope that you will withdraw the comment that you posted wishing Corbyn to contract the same potentially deadly disease. The virus has no parameters and its only aim is to wipe out its victim. Please keep the obsession you appear to have with Corbyn to political arguments.
  2. You should consider a career in politics, with a BS reply like that.
  3. chessie wrote: And you have the brass cheek to come on here and find such honest, forth-right language offensive Really ? Truly ? You honestly believe what you've written ? You should be ashamed.... Sorry chessie, but could you give me some clarification here please. Was this honest, forthright language posted by the same person that posted the deplorable wish that  Jeremy Corbyn would catch a potentially deadly virus, because he does not like his politics? It would be really nice to know that we are both talking about the same person.
  4. Interestingly, to get his legislation through, Macron also bypassed his parliament, deemed too obstructive even with his majority. That worked out well for Macron, still I guess the manufacturers of yellow vests are delighted. I see our new dictator is today threatening to ignore any law that may get passed to stop a no-deal Brexit. How very democratic, but what choice does he have? Please pass me the sick bag. Overnight Johnson has turned the UK into Bongo Bongo Land, by preventing democratically elected members of parliament having a say in the most important legislation to appear before parliament since the second world war. He has managed to drag The Queen into the sordid mess, and has created disquiet within The Commonwealth. I just wonder what the media (for that read right-wing press), would be printing if a Labour government, especially one that had Corbyn as PM had just pulled this stunt. Far different headlines I could guarantee for sure. Excellent posts lindal1000 and mint, definitely thumbs up from me.
  5. WB, if you highlight and copy the text, and then paste it into a text document, you will be able to read it. The same works for the website link.
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