Interestingly, to get his legislation through, Macron also bypassed his parliament, deemed too obstructive even with his majority. That worked out well for Macron, still I guess the manufacturers of yellow vests are delighted. I see our new dictator is today threatening to ignore any law that may get passed to stop a no-deal Brexit. How very democratic, but what choice does he have? Please pass me the sick bag. Overnight Johnson has turned the UK into Bongo Bongo Land, by preventing democratically elected members of parliament having a say in the most important legislation to appear before parliament since the second world war. He has managed to drag The Queen into the sordid mess, and has created disquiet within The Commonwealth. I just wonder what the media (for that read right-wing press), would be printing if a Labour government, especially one that had Corbyn as PM had just pulled this stunt. Far different headlines I could guarantee for sure. Excellent posts lindal1000 and mint, definitely thumbs up from me.