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Everything posted by mister

  1. Hi Master of None. Sure, if it's a problem then the well could remain unused and covered-in, but if there's a possibility that it could be utilised, then why not? It would make a nice feature in the garden, and more importantly, with the price of water rising, and a big garden to maintain, it makes sense to use a free water supply.
  2. Thanks for the extra information. Much appreciated. ( The latter option definitely appeals! ). With regards to the certificate of conformity. If one is issued, subject to ventilation being completed through the roof, and later an attestation is returned confirming that this work has been done, do the authorities take you at your word and then issue a full certificate of conformity or are they likely to want to see the ventilation work first? Finally, if full conformity is reserved until the ventilation work is completed, is there any time frame on how long the certificate of conformity can be held in this 'reserved' status? Although the tank / filter has been fitted, lots more work needs to be done before a toilet can be installed - so I am just curious as to time frames involved. Something else that has just occured to me.....is it necessary to have a functioning toilet connected to the septique tank in order for the system to be tested and obtain a full certificate of conformity? Apologies for all the questions!!!!       
  3. Dave&Olive, thanks for clarifying that - much appreciated. I understand that, by law, all fosse septiques have to be inspected every few years. As this system was only fitted this year, should an inspection occur no sooner than 4 years time?  I am abit unclear on this part of the regulations. Thanks for any further advice.
  4. Sydney and Huggy, thanks for the reply - it's encouraging to hear that. At first I thought it was going to be a major, major headache but from the replies so far it seems that it's something that can be worked around. Fingers crossed. Just a couple of questions.....have the authorities placed any conditions on your use of the well? Presumably they weren't aware of its existence when they approved your application for the new fosse?
  5. Hi Dave, yes, the filter system ( of sand and gravel ) was lined with plastic sheeting before being filled. So you think that will be okay? Do you have any experience of a similar situation?
  6. Hard to be exact, because I've not seen it, but I believe it could be as near as 2 to 3 meters from the filter bed. However, the hole / 'well' lies 'upstream' of the filter bed - there is a natural fall to the land and the household water exits at the other of the filter bed, ie: away from the well.
  7. I am aware that a new fosse septique cannot be situated within 35m of a water source - however what would happen if, after installing the tank / filter system etc, you subsequently discovered an underground water source or a covered-in well etc within that proximity? Obviously you could keep this matter to yourself, and the authorities would be none the wiser, but if you wanted to make a feature of a well and use it ( for watering the garden say ) its existence would become apparent during one of the 4 yearly inspections! Bit of a dilemma! Doe anyone have experience or know how the authorities might react to such a belated discovery? Would they be happy for the water source and septique tank to remain where they are / in use or could they insist that the tank was moved? In that event could you simply agree to forego use of the well to keep the tank in its current position? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  8. Hi again. Just a quick update for all those who replied to my original posting, and anyone else who's been following this thread. The number requested by my Bank ( the numero d’identification fiscal ) was indeed my UK National Insurance Number. According to Banque Populaire, it is a new obligation for them to request this information depending on the year you opened your bank account ( in my case 2006 ). Hopefully that clears this up for anyone else having to complete the “Declaration Sur L’Honneur De Non-Residence”. Thanks again for all those who took the time to offer advice - much appreciated.
  9. Tenniswitch & Pads, Thanks for the replies. On the surface the letter and form look genuine - and as you've also received something similar in the past, it seems to be a reasonably common practice. But I'll certainly tread carefully. Thanks again for taking the time and trouble to reply.  
  10. Pads, hi and thaks for your reply. As far as I can tell it seems a genuine letter - it has the Bank's logo on it and look's legit, but you never know, especially when ID is asked for. Thanks for the warning, it's something to consider. I'd imagine if the letter's legit then lots of other UK residence, which French holiday homes, would've have received something similar from their Banks - so it would be reassuring to hear from anyone else who's received the same request from information
  11. Thanks for everyones help - I am extremely grateful.
  12. Cat. Ok, just dug out a copy of my Taxes Foncieres, and, as you suggested ( in the top right hand corner ) there is the 'Numero Fiscal'. Voila! It's so much easier when you know where to look!!! Sorry for being so wet behind the ears! Hopefully that is the reference number my bank requires. My wife has received exactly the same request for information as me, but our bank account, and all other payments / accounts etc, are jointly held - so presumably this same numero fiscal would apply to her as well?  
  13. Cat, Thanks for that. I'll check through my paperwork and see if I can find any numbers.  
  14. That's the bit that's most confusing! With regards to providing documents / evidence. The accompanying letter says ( when referring to the form ): "Ce document est a completer et a nous renvoyer, accompagne d’une copie d’une piece d’identite en cours de validite. Si vous disposez d’une piece d’identite delivree par un eteat different de celui don’t vous declarez – resident fiscal – vous devez nous transmettre une attestation de domicile fiscal du pays don’t vous vous  declarez resident, sinon vous serez considere comme resident du pays qui vous a deliver votre piece d’identite". This would seem to suggest that proof of identifiction must also be sent ( maybe a copy of my passport? ) - or perhaps I've just misread this part. I am always reluctant to send anything like ID ( even as a photocopy ) through the post.
  15. Clair & Groslard Thanks for providing those answers - much appreciated. As far as I know I don't have a NIF ( numero d'identification fiscal ). I am wondering if they require the UK equivalent, so they can check that I am paying tax in the UK? If so - would that be my National Insurance number?
  16. Clair & Goslard,   Thanks for the prompt replies - I am most grateful. The form included with the bank’s letter contains these sections to complete:   Je soussigne ( nom, prenom(s) tells qu’ils figurant dans la piece d’identite ): …………………   Atteste sur l’honneur:   1. Que ma residence fiscale est situee hors du territoire francais, a l’addresse suivante……………….   2 Que mon numero d’identification fiscal ( NIF ) est le suivant ( pour les residents de la communaute europeenne )…………………………….   3 Que je suis titulaire d’un compte de cheques et/ou de compte d’epargne et/ou de placement monetaire et/ou que je suis proprietaire ou usufruitier des titres qui sont deposes sur mon ( mes ) compte(s) ouvert(s) a la banque populaire du Massif central.   Je m’engage, en cas de transfert de mon domicile ou de pays de residence fiscale dans un autre de la communaute europeenne ou dans un pays tiers, a transmettre a la Banque Populaire du massif Central une nouvelle attestation de non-residence indiquant la nouvelle situation de ma residence fiscale, et ce, au plus tard avant la premiere mise en paiement des interest suivant ce transfert.   Je comprends que la presente attestation est requise par les dispositions de la legislation fiscale de la repubilque Francaise.   Fait a….. Le……….. Signature ……………………   Presumably I need to complete this and return it? But as I said, my French is not great, so I'd be reassured to know what information ( and documents - if necessary? ) might be required.   Thanks again for your help.
  17. Hi, I wonder if anyone might offer me some advice? I’ve received a letter from my Bank, along with a form titled “Declaration Sur L’Honneur De Non-Residence”. My grasp of French is pretty basic, but from what I understand, it seems that my Bank requires confirmation of my primary residence for tax purposes. Is this correct? If so, can anyone advise me on what information / documents I need to send back? I live in the UK, and my place in France will eventually be a holiday home – but at the moment it’s still uninhabitable.   Incidentally, I didn’t receive this letter last year, or the year before that – so I am wondering if this request for information is triggered by a certain amount of money in your bank account?   Any help or advice that can be offered would be most appreciated. A belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!  
  18. Robin, thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond in such detail - I am most grateful. I am hoping that we won't have any problems with our walls, and that our French builder has good grounds for using the mix he has, but I guess only time will tell. We are returning next year to continue repointing the rear of the property and will try to resolve the matter before we proceed - hopefully my French will have improved by then. I know that I ( and others ) have already imposed upon your time, so I won't expect any further replies but perhaps someone else out there might offer some additional advice on the interior finish of our granite walls. For example, is it customary to re-point inside, ie: leaving the stone work exposed? Or render over the top? If either is done with a lime mix will this cause problems with the exterior cement mix, ie: dampness being forced inside ( through the point of least resistance )? What sort of insulating qualities do these methods have ( if any )? Is plasterboard recommended under these conditions? Although I have some limited experience of using similar methods in the UK, I have not previously applied these to old, and potentially damp, properties in France - so I am keen to learn from the experience of all those who have gone before me! Thanks in advance for any advice that can be offered.  
  19. WTJ - no need to apologise. I've enjoyed reading about your experience and the debate it has generated. Unfortunately I am still none the wiser with my problem!    
  20. Chris – Hopefully someone can answer your question. From what I’ve recently read on this and other forums, it would seem that lime pointing is recommended because it allows the building to ‘breath’. So presumably cement doesn’t do this? I’ve read that cement prevents the house from breathing and thus seals in dampness. Again, I don’t know. We are reliant on those people already living in cement pointed properties to pass on their experience. WJT writes of no ill affects to his / her property – so perhaps it’s something that I could live with? I would welcome other people, with cement pointed stone properties, sharing any problems they might have encountered with dampness, and how they’ve overcome this – how would they recommend finishing / insulating interior walls to combat this problem?
  21. Thanks for sharing your experience. Like you I am no expert, hence the reason we hired a local builder to oversee the re-pointing. I am hoping the products he used are fine, but I have a horrible feeling they are non-lime based. Until I am able to get some definitive info on the Calcia products I won't know for sure. But like you I am dreading the prospect of having to rake-out the recent pointing if it is unsuitable.  
  22. Thanks for all the replies. As far as I know the stones are granite. Hopefully, if the Calcia products are purely ciment based, that will make a difference.
  23. Hi, first time post - so be gentle with me! I've just returned from France having employed a local artisan to reconstruct, in stone work, a collapsed wall / window and repoint the front and rear of the building. I admit to knowing little about traditional building techniques and am somewhat in the hands of this builder ( who came recommended by a number of local people ). He has used a combination of sand plus 'Calcia Technocem 32,5 Ciment Gris multi-usages' and 'Calcia Baticem 12,5 Ciment a Maconner' to rebuild the collapsed wall, and repoint the stone work. Having read on these forums the importance of using lime mixes on old buildings, I am beginning to wonder whether this chap has used the right materials! Nowhere on any of the bags does it clearly state Lime ( or Chaux ), and I've been unable to find any definitive information online. I am worrying unnecessarily? I would very much welcome the advice of anyone who has used these Calcia products. 
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