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Posts posted by Sharkster

  1. This is France!  It covers children for accidents at school and trips outside school.  I think in the UK school have their own insurance for this, but in France you have to pay it yourself.  The good thing is if you get good cover and something happens to your child even outside school you can more than likely claim for cost etc.  Think football smashing a neighbours window or something like that. 

  2. We use Aviva for ours.  It has been 20 euros a year for their top cover for my son, which is nothing really for a year.  I am interested to read about the spectacle cover, since my sons have been through the mill (I need to check if our policy covers that) but our local spectacle retailer where we bought the glasses has done a number of minor repairs for free, which is excellent service and we will return for my son's next pair of glasses

  3. It really depends on your current UK insurer.  I used to work for a large insurer back in the UK and we offered a green card for upto 90 days in a policy year.  The green card itself is a free document but we charged to extend the cover into Europe.  I know at the time many other companies offered free annual green cards (like they do in France) but it is totally dependant on your company.  Hope this helps.  By the way the 3 day thing does sound strange.


    Well we went to see Harry Potter in Montpellier and as suggested before we left I called the cinema.  I was questioned whether my son had seen the other Harry Potter films and when I said yes, the lady said no problem.  Also no questions asked when I arrived at the cinema and my son was the youngest there.  Still not sure of the official rating or how strict cinemas are in France though, since this was an independant cinema making its money showing VO films.

  5. Does anybody know the etiquette on asking a company to pay for your travel expenses to attend an interview.  I live in the South and the interview would be in Paris, so am looking at a 150 euro train ticket.  One company I have spoken with said they would pay but another have not mentioned it.  Is it bad manners to ask or is it the done thing in France?

  6. We want to take our son to see the new Harry Potter movie since he is a huge fan, but I have just noticed a partir de 10 ans on the cinema website and my son is 7.  How does it work in France?  Does this mean he is just not allowed or is it like PG, where he can go if accompanied by his parents?  Any ideas?

  7. Deimos

    I just copied and pasted the info from the DEFRA site hoping for some clarification.  I am unsure if the information is incorrect, since I have also been told by a UK quarantine kennel without a chip, the process cannot be started.  I am happy to listen if this is wrong, I am aware it is too late for me, but an explanation, link or anything would be useful for other posters in the future.

  8. Funny you should mention the brand, the second jab he had was a different brand from the first.  This one was Rabisin, cannot recall what the other one was though but it was definately different.  I thought they were different since this one was a booster but fingers crossed he will pass this time.

  9. After he had his first blood test he had a booster jab then, so he is good for another test at the end of the month.  I read on here somewhere that it is about an 80% pass rate after one jab and 90% after 2 so fingers crossed.  Also it seems in France they do not use a live vaccine where in the UK I think they do, which may affect the pass rate.

  10. We have been in Languedoc for 2.5 years and are think of moving over towards Toulouse.  From the research my wife has done, it seems there is a huge climate difference from Languedoc (Herault) and also the regular blue skies we enjoy now are replaced with more of a English grey, with a large amount of rain of a regular basis.  Is this the case?  Also what is Toulouse like to live in?  Any information from current residents of the area (good and bad please) would be much appreciated.



  11. Where did you get that info.  This what I am looking at




    All trains


    2nd class

    Reference price: 1st year ** 390.80 €
    Degressive price: 2nd year ** 340.40 €
    Degressive price: 3rd year and following years ** 309.40 €

  12. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but none of the other forums seemed to fit.  I have been looking at these rail cards which are aimed at people travelling daily to the same place.  I have done a quote on their website and for an annual card it quotes around 390 euros.  This seems to cheap since the same return journey on its own is about 26 euros.  Is the amout they are quoting for a monthly charge or is it the true annual figure?  As the way I see it, if you use the card 15 times it has paid for itself and you travel basically free for over 11 months.  I do not think this can be right.  Any ideas?

  13. I thought with this car I would get all the work done at the main dealer, as with past cars I have never bothered due to the cost.  Once you have had a few repairs done at the main dealer however, the cost just becomes too much.  It is a shame really since I have built good relations with the Renault garage and know a few of the staff to say hello to in the street.  Saying that though over the last 2 years I have generated them in excess of 3/4000 euros in work, since I also had my car repaired there after an accident.

    On the subject of accidents has anybody experienced the French car insurance claims system?  I worked in car insurance for 10 year in the UK (on the sales side) and never made a claim but understand clearly all the principals of insurance.  But I was still shocked when the loss adjuster wanted me to pay 50 euros extra (on top of the excess) towards the cost of the repair to my car since one of the brake pads was worn a bit (still legal and everything) and it had to be replaced due to being damaged in the crash and they did not want me to profit from the accident (Ha! hit by an unisured driver, what a joke, profit!.  We had pictures of the driver plus the reg no of the car but the insurance company never even attempted to track him down!)

  14. That is what I wanted to hear.  From what I can see on the internet SKF bearings are a recommended brand for most models of car and I have read some information that they are often better than the originals.  My gripe now is how Renault can justify there ridiculously high cost of repairs whilst expecting me to wait a week to pay for the privilege, when a chain store can do the work the same day and charge less than half the price.

  15. Just been to auto-etape and they can replace the bearing for only 128 euros, so I have saved over half by shopping around.  It is not a Renault brand bearing, it is a SKF bearing which is actually dearer than the renaullt bearing.  Does anybody know if that is a good make of bearing?.  My final question to all is, is there any chance, even a slight one that it could be something else apart from the wheel bearing.  (quick summary below)

    1. Helicopter vibration noise.

    2. A lot of play in the front drivers side wheel

    3. Play reduced dramatically when large hub nut tightened.

    4. No noise now, but could be an audible squeak, but that could be unrelated and it is not loud at all (also could be my imagination)

    5. Driving at least 300 miles on Monday

  16. Thanks again for everybodies input.  I just popped to the Chinese  in the car and I am sure there is now a squeak, which is an audible sign the bearing is going as well.  I will not be using the car for my journey as the risk and potential cost does not seem worth it, so I will either try and get it replaced tomorrow (do garages open on a Saturday?) or hire a car from HyperU since they are by far the cheapest I have found - still 77 euros of a 500km journey :( .  Anybody know of anywhere that maybe rents older cars cheaper?

  17. The man at the garage based his diagnosis on the fact that the bearing is not making any noise, thus it is unlikely to be so badly worn.  He said as soon as the noise comes it is time to get the work done.  I explained what the Renault garage had done, so he knew the facts.  Like I mentioned before, the noise was a vibration noise, caused by the play in the wheel and since they have tightened it the noise has gone.  There has never been the whiring bearing noise I have read about.  Do the symptoms suggest definate bearing problems or is there any way the hub may have loosened another way.  It is also my understanding it is highly unlikely the front wheel will part from the car, the rear wheels are the area of most concern of this happening.  I may be completely wrong though.

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