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Posts posted by TefkaC

  1. SAAB 95 estate 96 saloon, I had a 95 that would seat 7 with a fold down seat in the rear. You could drive in fixed or freewheel depending on road conditions, there was a lever in the cab to the gear box that could disengage the fixed wheel drive(those were the days). In the UK if the car is not fitted with this it is totally illegal to coast, not sure in france though. 



  2. Thanks for that coop's it will be approx pence per month so not a lot! As for turning it off not while we have an ungelded stallion in our field!!!!!!!!


    Thanks again



  3. It's virtualy impossible to remove all traces of red diesel dye from the system, having said that it would by a pretty orrible copper who took it any further than a visual check? Drain or run it out mate change the filter and carry on...



  4. Hello RH we grew dwarf runners last year, they would be ok for a pot without staking as long as it is pretty sheltered. They are good cropers and loads for the freezer.

    Best of luck.



  5. Hello AB

    The bottle won't contain water so discount that.

    First check your regulator connection, if this isn't tight enough it causes leaks and icing.

    Air can enter the system when you change a bottle this will give you an unstable burn until it is cleared, put a small ring on for a short period and see if this clears the problem.

    I would say if you have had no problems in the past this is the most likely..

    At this point I suggest if the problem persists you call in a gas supplier.

    Hope this helps.




  6. Hello, we live out in the country 86 and last evening (01.00ish)we heard the most superb bird song, my wife described it as like the whistles you used to get that you put water in and they sounded like birdsong. It went on for ages and they were calling and answering. Could they be nightingales, if not any ideas??


    Summers come at last, all that grass to cut 


  7. Probabley incuring the wrath of the pcwhizz (as in the past)! You cann't beat a 4 stroke honda strimmer/brush cutter, well balanced can be used at any angle and you don't have to mix anything. Not cheap but efficient........... 


    I am now retiring to the bunker to await the replies....














  8. Thanks for all the replies and sorry for the confusion.

    She went to the doctor that we are registerd with.

    He gave her a check over and said it would be a good idea to have a blood test for cholestrol, diabetes, blood count etc etc.  

    She then went to the local nurse fot this.

    This was sent to the lab for analysis.

    She then got all the reciepts and sent them off to Poit's




  9. Hello JP we keep poultry without many problems. We started with 6 chooks from Gamm Vert, a bit pricey but superb quality birds, they've laid all through the year at least 2 eggs a day in the winter and now coming back into full lay with the lighter evenings We have 5 ducks also laying like good un's. The most satisfying thing was when a hen went broody, we put some eggs under her and now have the biggest Marran cockeral you 've ever seen.  I bought another 4 ducklings in the local market last week and they are now putting on weight.  I google Allotment Growing (uk website) for any advise, also ACL is an excelent web site.


    Best of luck.



  10. I logged on this morning to find that I was moving to france and wanted information about running an architects business, as I have lived in france for 2 years and know nothing about architecture exept working on the house, (and even that is limited). I went for a coffee. The brain kicked in and I realised there was another Charlie logging on........... I need a change of identiy. I will edit my details if I can find a utility bill and a copy of my passport


    The other Charlie, for now.. 

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