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  1. To answer that specific issue, UK law demands that all cars on sale have tyres with speed ratings in excess of the maximum speed. If you import a car of a type not sold in the UK, or build a kit car, the "SVA" test you need to pass also demands it. Tyre fitters must also recommend a suitable tyre, though I'm not sure of the legality of fitting one that is not suitable, winter tyres aside, should someone be stupid enough to do this. I've often heard people that are not into cars or driving, of the "I'm totally safe because I never speed" variety (who actually cause plenty of accidents through poor observation and skills/knowledge) boast about how incredibly cheap their remould/budget tyres are. Which in my opinion is far worse than driving quickly, attentively, on a quiet road with suitable equipment.
  2. What a joy to have found a forum populated by perfect people, after frequenting many on the web visited by lesser beings. It is, after all entirely rational to expect someone to have to pay a fine of over £100k (including the loss of the car) for speeding on a quiet motorway, and not at all motivated by jealousy. It is also very generous to wish death upon those who speed, not to mention entirely rational to use the sanctity of human life to justify this sentence. I'm sure all the people with such vitriolic anti-speeding views have no points on their license, have never been involved in an accident through their dedication to utterly safe driving, and and have never, ever exceeded the speed limit. Furthermore, since all untimely death is an equal tragedy, I'm sure they don't smoke or drink, and that they eat healthily and exercise a lot. After all, scrores of thousands of people die each year in France and the UK through avoidable diseases, often after scares and specific medical advice given to them personally, so I'm confident their dedication to safety in all it's guises has made them model citizens, rather than just focusing on knee-jerk reactions to particular issues that they happen to feel strongly about.
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