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  1. thanks, I am just being lazy, this forum was actually recommended to me by someone quite a while ago so I figured it must be good, (are you a moderator then as you seem to be very quick off the mark when responding) Apologies for inviting bad netiquette [:$] Thanks
  2. Hi there, Can you recommend any other good websites re the whole moving to France thing or is this one the best? Thanks
  3. Thanks for all your advice, this has really helped! Fiona
  4. so, does this mean if he is born in June 1997 then he will start secondary school in three years time ie once he has turned 12? If this is the case then this means he will start at the same time he would if we were to stay here, I hope this is the case as this would make me happier. As I am sure it is for all of you who have made the move with kids, whatever age, they are our main concern and most likely to be the reason we don't go. Mind you the thought of not going fills me with dread, more so than the fear of going. I am sure this is normal. Has anyone else here moved a 10 yr old? I'd be interested to hear, I'll read all the other postings in the meantime. Thanks Fiona
  5. I don't think this was it but it will do very nicely, thanks very much for taking the time to reply! Fiona
  6. Hi there This is my first posting and probably the first of many, we are seriously thinking of moving to France next summer and I am at the info gathering stage. Where can I find out accurate information on the school system in France? I have heard that children go to secondary school a year ealrier than in the UK and this is bothering me slightly as my eldest will be going on 10 when me make the move. He is a very bright, positive child so I am hopeful his transition would be successful over time but I was hoping he would have two years before going to the secondary school. My daughter will be going on 7 so I am not too concerned about her transition. I have found an English website in the past explaining the French Education system but I cannot find it again, can anyone recommend one to me? It is really helpful to be able to read other peoples experiences. Thanks
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