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Posts posted by vab

  1. Just to let everyone who was kind enough to reply to my thread that we have now sorted out insurance. We disclosed my husbands condition and he has been given additional cover  covering this as well as the insurance for us both. Obviously this was by paying quite a bit more for the cover but at least we now know we are covered for any eventuality. Thank you all for your advise and suggestions.
  2. Yes, I agree you with you as we are finding out. My husband has an ongoing medical condition and that is becoming the major problem as obviously we want insurance that will cover any events connected with that condition. We had a company in the UK but they would not carry the insurance to France hense desperately trying to find a reliable company. It is not a life threatening condition and he has had all the relevant checks here in France to clarify what the UK found, in fact they were far more thorough here. His medication was adjuted and that was that.
  3. Thanks you very much for all your replies. I will give them all a go and see what I can find  It was bad enough yesterday trying to get flights on line and after three hours of being told seats available only to find after trying to book them to be told all sold. or flights changed We nanaged to get flights but not on the dates we really wanted but at least it is booked now.
  4. I remember reading a thread a while ago and someone recommended a company that would insure two people for £74 and I remember going on the site. I have been trying half the morning to find it again to no avail and I am sure the company was "travel.....something. Can anyone help as I need to sort some insurance out quite quickly so would be eternally grateful if anyone can find this thread.
  5. Hello all

    We were not given ay option of doing it ourselves as the DRIRE just said this was what they were doing. Yes, we will definately try it ourselves now. We thought it would have all been done by now as we started the process months ago but we have an "Grey " import car and we had to change a lot of things in the car. I will just have to ask our daughter to cross her legs for a while.

  6. We have just had approval for French plates and all documentation has been sent off. We have been told it could take up to three weeks to get the plates but we may need to dash to UK for an imminent birth and wondered if we can take our car with British plates but not on road in UK now. All very complicated and should we contact DVL about this or has anyone ever been in this situation.
  7. I stopped watching the rubbish about ten years ago as I find it very embarrasing and as for Terry Wogan...well, he should have been pensioned off years ago. I cannot stand listening to him on the radio and certainly do not want to hear his pathetic jokes on TV.
  8. Having had four children and now have eight grandchildren and one more on the way, yes, it is not a thing we would have done and we have been abroad with grandchildren on numerous occassions BUT negative remarks are not helpful at this time. I am sure the parents bitterly regret their actions and it is a reminder to all that even in the safest of areas the risk is just not worth it. Unfortunately, unlike the majority of sane people who would never harm a child there are some evil people in this world and it always pays to be on ones guard at all times. I would like to send the parents my heartfelt sympathy and to pray that this delightful little girl is with them safe and well very soon. What they must be going through does not bear thinking about and I do not think they need anyone casting blame as I am sure they feel enough regret themselves
  9. Thanks for that advice but I am now the proud owner of tomato plants. Took Cooperlola advise and went to Bricomarche, a large shop and was pleased to see the plants were in such good condition and then, thanks to Daisymay, I chose two varieties recommended.  It pays to ask advise here and always nice to get such helpful replies.




  10. WOW !!!!!!  That has really blown my mind. I will go armed with all the names mentioned and I will look as though I know what I am talking about. Thanks to all who have replied as it has been very helpful.
  11. Thanks Tony !  I am a bit of a novice at growing veg and the other half said he has enough to do cutting grass and hedges  etc. Can you give me the name of a good all round tomato plant as so many different varieties.
  12. Thank you for replying so quickly. Yes !! That is a good idea and if I do not like the look of the ones in the market next week at least I will have staggered the growing of them so not all ripe at once. Last year we were eating them every meal and in the end I made soup with the excess. Planted by the previous occupant I may add.
  13. I am asking all you veterans who have lived here for hundreds of years Is it cheaper to buy Tomato plants in a Supermarket or from the delightful weekly markets. I am all for giving my money to the weekly markets but do not want to miss a bargain at Supermarket. As Super U have them in now I do not want to wait until next week to find the market is a lot dearer.

  14. Bonjour all


    It has probably been asked before so do not have a go at me. Our dog was jabbed before coming here to live  a year ago and is due again next year as every two years in UK. I know it is yearly here but will kennels here still accept the UK due date or do they insist on yearly jabs ?

  15. Thank you all once again for your helpful suggestion  and I am coming to the conclusion that it MAY be rabbits as I did find some droppings yesterday. The holes are not burrows just " shoe size "  and leading nowhere. May I ask one favour of you all......please do not have arguments over my thread as I then feel guilty for asking the question in the first place.
  16. hello all

    I have not had time to check today as we are a bit busy. MAYBE it is everything that has been suggested so far and they have a downer on me and my attempts at gardening Seriously though, If it eventually stops or I really discover the culprit I will send a thread letting everyone know. Thanks for all your kind suggestions and I have learnt quite a lot  about all the little pests that we have here....bless them all. (little ****s)

  17. Morning all !! I actually got up EARLY this morning and saw a darling bunny rabbit scuttling across the garden and back into the woods. Only a small one but perhaps Mum, Dad and big brother were a bit quicker. Good idea abot the pepper, will give it a go.

  18. You may be right but they must be very large Rabbits as this morning as well as the holes again a small branch was broken off of a newly planted Cherry tree and also a branch from a small Buddleia. I give up !!!!!

  19. Thanks for all the suggestions..folks.  I have numerous Lavender cuttings and fortunately I did take some cuttings of the Hebe plants, all growing nicely in my greenhouse but until the mystery is solved that is where they will stay. If I do solve it I will let you all know.
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