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  1. I have stumbled across this forum doing a bit of research on Normandy having just come back from renting a cottage near Villebaudon and this topic is of interest to me as it does effect me. I have a drain-able Stoma Bag the legacy of colon cancer and in the process of cleaning out my bag I get thru a fair bit of toilet paper and its quality and absorption are of great importance to me as, I hope nobody is having their lunch reading this, my hands are in very close contact with my bodies waste product. After trials I have found  the Charmin brand suits my requirements best so when I travel sufficient supplies travel with me not just for my benefit, but because it is not fair to expect any renter to meet my off take needs. If however you want me to use a special paper then it should be made very clear in your precondition booking blurb and I would expect there to be sufficient on site to get me thru several days, because Murphy's law will make it that I arrive during a French bank holiday only to run out of your prescribed paper and you know what that means if you want anything other than bread, meat or flowers. So I would urge that if your system requires a certain type of loo paper you clearly spell it out to your clients as many of us have other worries in our daily lives, but are happy to comply once we know and we learn to be adaptable very quickly. I could tell you tales, but later perhaps.
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